chapter 4

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Celestine almost pulled the trigger when the hand released her . There was a loud bang. She turned around to see a guy who killed a zombie that was almost invisible in the dark. She couldn't make out the face of the guy but she did felt so stupid. She was about to injure the person who saved her and she almost ran to into a zombie in her panicked state.

The guy who held her seconds ago chuckled. "Calm down girl, you almost killed me! "
She couldn't hide the embarrassment she felt..she didn't knew what to say so she just let out a nervous chuckle. Just then Taehyung came running upstairs with Tris cautiously with their guns.

"Celestine? Are you there?" Tris whisper yelled.
At the sight of her friends, celestine ran towards them . "I was being reckless..I -I was running into one of those ! "
Taehyung patted her back to calm her down as Tris hugged her. Celestine continued, "But thanks to him.." She pointed at the dark figure standing a few inches away.

"Hello! I am Jimin. Nice to meet you!" The guy said.
"Taehyung. "
Both the men shaked their hands.

"Umm...are you here to take supplies too?" Taehyung asked.
"Actually, me and my friends are on a search for shelter. The house we lived previously was very old and could collapse anytime. So-" jimin trailed off.

"Umm..if you don't mind you can live with us. I mean it's hard to find humans who save others now. " Taehyung said while turning the light of his torch towards the man.
Jimin had blonde hair , beautiful eyes and an infectious smile . Hearing Taehyung, his eyes lit up almost like stars took shelter in his brown orbs.

"Really? Thank you so much! I should call my friend then..he is on the fourth floor. " Jimin said.
"I will come with you!" Celestine smiled. "I owe you one."

Taehyung and Tris waited as both of them ran upstairs.

"It's clear. He is good at cleaning! " Jimin said like it was no big deal for his friend to kill hordes of zombies hiding in a mall. Celestine nodded.
When they finally reached the fourth floor, jimin decided that they should divide so that it will take less time to find his friend .

Celestine walked around the restaurants there , occasionally letting out loud sighs and a "HELLO! ARE YOU THERE ? JIMIN'S LOOKING FOR YOU! " She almost reached the end of the hallway and turned around thinking maybe jimin had got him.

"Who are you? " the figure emerged from the shadows . "Jimin. How do you know him? " The voice startled her..she looked at the guy in front of him . He was definitely taller than jimin, had a nice build but his voice...felt familiar.

"What ? Say something. " He was definitely irritated.

Although she couldn't see his face properly, she knew that voice. She hated him but she couldn't forget that voice, it haunted her for months after the apocalypse. Tears welled up in her eyes.

" Is-is that you Jungkook? " She managed to say. The guy stood still for a minute before answering with the same bewildered state she was in.

"Celestine? " He ran upto her.
"You survived? I thought you didn't had the skills! Where is Jin and yoongi hyung? " He asked excitedly.
All the feelings of happiness she felt on seeing him vanished in a split second. He still looked down on her.

"I don't know where they are. Jimin is looking for you. " She said dryly, walking past jungkook. "Also , Tae and Tris are downstairs. "
She practically cursed inside when jungkook ran past her , almost pushing her to ground on hearing about Tae and Tris.
Jungkook found Jimin in between the hallway, closely followed by Celestine.

"Hyung! Taehyung is here! " jungkook almost did a small dance before running downstairs to meet them .
"Uh..OH that Taehyung is his Taehyung . " Jimin muttered awkwardly.

"C'mon Jimin, I know that guy is an overexcited and idiot person. Let's not waste our time here...Tae and Tris are gonna be excited Af and they might forget that we are still here and leave. You never know! " Celestine said dramatically.

"DAMN! You seem salty.
Gaja (let's go)."

Both of them laughed and went downstairs. They were welcomed with Taehyung and Jungkook laughing and crying at the same time, squeezing Tris in between their group hug.

"Umm..I don't want to interrupt your emotional reunion  but Eunji unni would be worrying about us." Celestine said awkwardly. "I mean it will be evening soon and she's alone. "

"Yah I forgot about noona! " tae exclaimed. "Let's go , Tris and I have collected enough food to last us for atleast 2-3 weeks plus kookie and jimin have some with them too. Are you done with the clothes?"

"Yes Tae and I raided a Gucci store too!" Celestine wiggled her eyebrows.

"YAAH CELESTINE I LOVE YOU!" Taehyung patted her head and giggled like a child.

"Maybe Unni was right. He is a child " Tris laughed.

As they reached their old car , Taehyung sighed. The car was an old model and it looked it would break down if someone touched it even a bit. "I don't think it can carry us all."

Taehyung was right, it couldn't .
"Well..let's take thattttt! " Tris pointed at an SUV standing near them. "It's so awesome and hot!"

"Umm..Tris, that's a car. " jungkook laughed. "I mean we know that you are a car freak but I don't think you use the word 'Hot' to describe cars."
Tris glared at him.

"Anyway let's take that car. We should really be going now. " Jimin muttered.
So they went towards the car , the window of the driver seat was down and the door was open. They all knew what might have happened.

"I will drive this time! " tae sat in the driver's seat but not before playfully hitting Tris. Jungkook, jimin and Celestine sat at the back. Celestine rolled down the window as Tae started the engine, it took some tries but eventually things worked out and the car started. Celestine looked out, trying to feel the fresh air, that certain feeling of contempt but suddenly she was dragged out of that feeling with the familiar sounds of low moans coming from behind the car.

"Tae , Drive fast! Shit shit shit! They are chasing us!"


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