chapter 22

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"Hey Jimin!" Violet waved at the blonde haired boy and walked towards him. Jimin waved back, greeting her with a pretty smile.

"Wassup? " he asked her.

"Er..i actually want to confess to you about something.." violet blushed and looked down while Jimin stood there completely clueless.
Taking the silence as an que for her to continue she spoke- " I like you, i have liked you ever since you came here."

Jimin's eyes widened as he took in her words, sure, Violet was pretty, black eyes, shoulder length wavy hair with tanned skin. She had also been with him on multiple occasions where he wasn't feeling good. She was nice but still he didn't wanted to rush into things.

"'s not like i don't like you but i haven't really thought of you in that way, i am sorry but i guess i can't decide right now." He said biting his lips nervously. Violet's smile faltered for a second but she regained it quickly.

"Araseo, don't worry. It's okay."
(I understand )

"I hope am not hurting you."

"No, i think i know what you mean, Let's continue being friends. " she smiled.

"Sure thing!"
They fist bumped.

Yoongi, Hoseok and Celestine were standing in one of the corridors which usually doesn't have many people roaming around. The tension in the air grew as the trio looked at each other.

"Where were you both?" Yoongi enquired.
"That, we can't tell you. Not right now." Celestine looked straight at his eyes.

"Jinja? What are you even thinking? " (really) . Yoongi exclaimed throwing his hands up in the air.

"Oppa, the less people knows the less damage. "
"You think we all are traitors? " yoongi whispered yelled.

"Yoongi," Hoseok kept his hand on the other man's shoulder making him look at him. "We both are really trying to do something and we don't want anyone else involved. I am committing a treason with celestine! Do you understand? Me being an officer is betraying jae wook! I went against him and i won't be surprised if anyone of YOU go against us."

"Gosh! You guys are unbelievable.  Celestine, i lied to jungkook only because I trust you and Hoseok. Don't do anything that makes me regret lying to kookie. " He looked dead at the other two's eyes and walked away. As Yoongi vanished from their sight, Celestine sat against the wall ,exhausted.

"I hope it's all worth it." She muttered loud enough for Hoseok to hear.
"Relax." He sighed sitting beside her.
What both of them didn't knew was that there were two more people standing round the corner listening to their conversation with yoongi.

2 days later

Like the last time when Taehyung, Namjoon and jasmine were called, This time too, Jin, Eunji and Yoongi were called. Jungkook and others were again stopped at the door of the room and were forced to watch the so called "selection ".
There was a turmoil going inside Tris and celestine. Unlike others who are very close with Jin and yoongi, they both were close to all three of them , even Eunji.

"Let Jin and Yoongi fight first." Jae wook ordered, close combat skills , something Jin was good at, rather very good at. As both of them were forced into the arena , they tried to intentionally miss punches and kicks.
"If you both don't take it seriously then..i will straightaway throw your Taehyung out of the camp without a single weapon. " A cold smile spread over jae wook's face.

"YOU ARE DISGUSTING! " Jin shouted but jae signalled to continue the fight without paying any heed to the older boy shouting at him.

"This is cruel." Celestine mumbled as yoongi kicked Jin in the guts and received a punch on his jaw in return.

"Yah! Let me lose!" Yoongi shouted at jin.

"We don't trade lives!  " jin exclaimed .
Yoongi huffed as he wrapped his arm around Jin's neck, strangling him.
"Hyung, kick me! Please. " yoongi whispered in Jin's ears, his voice cracking and soon he was kicked, tears rolled down the older's eyes as he realized that yoongi was defeated.

Jin let out a loud cry as he was pulled away from Yoongi.
Even before anyone outside could  grasp what happened, Eunji was pushed towards Yoongi.
The loser here would be put with Taehyung.

Celestine and Tris were in shock as they understood what Eunji was doing.  Neither Yoongi nor Jin knew that she saved herself for six months only with her combat skills which spoke volumes regarding her talent but yoongi was oblivious to this fact.

That's why he didn't suspected anything when eunji stumbled back , taking all his hits without trying to fight back. She was..willingly losing.

"Noona is a combat fighter. she doing? " Jimin muttered.
One final kick at her stomach and she fell down, blood trickling down her lips, bruised eyes.
"Eunji..i am sorry. " yoongi slumped down in front of her.
"I did this myself ." She smiled painfully as they pulled her with them .

Jin and yoongi were rushed to the doctor, Lee know. The one who treated Celestine. He gasped as he saw the wounds all over their body.
"What the hell!" He said lowly.

"I don't know whats wrong with jae. This is unbelievable. " Hoseok started explaining everything to Lee know as he treated the wounds of Jin and yoongi.

In the cell.

Taehyung looked up immediately as he heard the guards opening the door, his eyes widened as he saw a bloody Eunji being pushed inside. She stumbled and fell on her knees wincing in pain.

"NOONA!" Taehyung rushed to her, he held her shoulders and observed her face , bloody and teary. "What happened? "

"I lost in close combat. " she said trying to stand up.
"You..did it intentionally? " Taehyung felt cold, nervously sweating . The camp was making them do weird things, all of them are willing to lose. Funny, isn't it? Specially when they had always tried to win.

"Nae (yes), i think I was missing my tae tae too much to lose out on this opportunity! " she chuckled ruffling the boy's hair.

"You did it..because..of me?" Tae sobbed hugging her tightly.

"Wae? (why) This is the least i could do to be with you . Celestine and others will be there with Tris, you also need someone, don't you?" She said wiping the tears from his cheeks and hugged him tightly.

"We will win ,tae ,don't worry."

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