chapter 13

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"Jungkook. " She looked at him. "They are lying"


Celestine called out to yoongi and Jin.
"You are lying. "
Everyone fell silent, no one was able to make out what she meant, not even yoongi and Jin.

"You are lying oppa. " She looked at yoongi straight in the eye.

"What are you talking about celestine? " yoongi asked frustrated.

"I-I looked back that day. "

Both yoongi and Jin's eyes widened but they were quick to hide it. "What do you mean? " Jin muttered.

"You know what I mean. " Celestine raised her voice a bit . It was killing her that even after her asking them, none of them were saying the truth.

"Wait" Tris interrupted, "is it something about your nightmare? You never really told us what you saw that day. "

Celestine nodded slowly,
"tell us ."

"I don't trust everyone here." Yoongi frowned, "Why do you think i will share everything with all of you? "
Celestine was a bit taken aback , she knew that he didn't meant that to her , jungkook, Tae or Tris. It wasn't even for Namjoon and jasmine.
His distrust was for jimin, Eunji, hoseok and violet.

Jungkook knew that this must have hurted jimin way too much. He didn't even dared to look at him when he heard jimin's voice.

"Umm...noona and I will be out. " He stood up with Eunji but celestine stopped them.
"Yoongi oppa ,they aren't going anywhere! Jimin is the reason jungkook is alive and without Eunji noona all of us would have been dead by now! If you can't trust them, then we can't trust namjoon and jasmine either. "

Jin and yoongi were surprised by her words. "You are so stubborn! " yoongi frowned, "Ok...but violet and hoseok will go ."

Celestine internally groaned at yoongi's behaviour but she knew she can't tell him to trust them , she knew better than to piss off yoongi any further.
As hoseok and violet were leaving, celestine and jimin couldn't stop themselves from turning around towards the duo and apologise.

"Mianhaemnida.." Jimin and Celestine bowed. ( sorry )

"Gwenchana" (it's okay ) Violet smiled at them.

"Your hyung is just cautious. You shouldn't trust everyone. " Hoseok smiled at them before leaving, it somehow felt bad to yoongi himself, being so rude to them .

As they left, celestine faced them again. "So.."
"How much did you saw?" Jin asked her.
"Everything. " She replied.
"Ah!" Yoongi groaned. "So there's no point hiding then. "

Yoongi rolled up the sleeves of his left arm. Namjoon, jasmine and Jin were unfazed. Celestine encircled the wound with her fingers,tracing it. Everyone gasped, it wasn't the wound that surprised them , it was the marks of teeths on it that surprised them.

"I was bitten when I pulled jin hyung and ran." Yoongi sighed. "I had to threw away my blazer in order to save us. "

Suddenly jungkook remembered that he had seen yoongi's bloody blazer on the road that day. It all makes sense now. "But hyung, you aren't.." Kookie trailed off.

"I am immune. "

"Holy crap! How on earth....? " Jimin's mouth was wide open.

"I do feel that my whole existence is a lie..." Eunji muttered to herself, jin laughed at their reaction.

"Oppa..I am sorry but I needed to know. " Celestine apologized to them .

"It's fine , it's just very risky . I waited for so long to turn into a zombie. I had told jin to kill me as soon as I start to turn...but it never happened."
Yoongi let out a low chuckle.

"So is there a reason as to why you are...immune ?" Tae asked.

"We don't really know. " Jasmine huffed. "I swear to God, there's something weird about yoongi. "

"We tried to find out for so long and then gave up haha." Namjoon giggled.

Suddenly the hall door flung opened, hoseok  peeped in.

Everyone burst out laughing at his excitement.


"Hey " yoongi waved at hoseok while serving himself rice. "I am really sorry for behaving that way. "
"Ahh it's okay! " Hoseok smiled while moving along with yoongi to a table.

All the camp members were seated at different tables.
Jimin couldn't help but think about his hostel. The canteen looked same, he had spent most of his life in hostel.
"Hey!" Someone nudged him , he turned around to see violet.

"Remembered something? " she asked as they seated themselves.

"Yea.." Jimin replied absentmindedly.

"I actually want to say something really philosophical to you right now but i am not into books and stuff so...maybe just try to be you." She said taking a bite from her plate.

Jimin laughed at her weird way of sympathizing.

"Oppa, you want some meat?" Celestine asked jin.

"Hyung, you can take from me." Kook said to jin looking at celestine disapprovingly.

"No..i am almost full." Jin smiled at both of them.

"Tae..there's going to be a fight. " tris whispered to taehyung earning a sheepish grin from taehyung.

"But oppa you should eat well." Celestine gave some of her food to jin.
"Hyung take this. " Jungkook gave some rice too.

"Guys..this ain't a competition. " jasmine laughed.

"You don't know them." Yoongi sighed. "Here they go again. "

"What's your problem? I am giving food to don't need to give him food. " celestine said.

"Excuse me,  he is my hyung. Shut up. " kook gave her a look.

"What do you mean?  I swear to god you are going-" Eunji interrupted both of them.

Jin looked at her in awe as both of them fell silent. He quickly mouthed a small thank you to eunji before begging namjoon to eat the extra food.


I want some good times in chapters to cover for the thrills lol.

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