chapter 12

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In that moment, nothing mattered to them..they couldn't hear Eunji or jimin's laugh. Jungkook's mind was filled with anticipation, he couldn't think rationally. He wasn't even sure if this was reality or a dream. The man heard eunji's and jimin's laugh and turned around.

Celestine felt that her breath has been taken away..she stared helplessly clutching Tris's hand , who herself wasn't sure about what to do. This was all they wanted for so long but now they didn't knew how to react.

Jimin had stopped laughing and so did Eunji. Jimin looked at them, seems like they were about to cry.
He put his hand on taehyung's shoulder reassuringly. Feeling a touch on his shoulder Tae turned around..his brown orbs were glassy.

After what felt like eternity taehyung spoke "Hyung! " before all his words turned into sobs. Two of the men from the other group were equally shook and had tears in their eyes. Taehyung ran up to them and hugged them as if his life depended on them. That's when Eunji realised that they are probably meeting the two people they always cried about.


Tris also ran up to them, the men embraced her , the men then slowly walked up to where celestine and jungkook were standing, shocked.

"What? You can't believe we are here?" A pale man chuckled . He had brown hair,he was shorter than jungkook but taller than jimin. Jungkook first nodded sideways then up and down, totally confused.

The brown haired man hugged jungkook while he called out to the other man.

"Jin hyung, bring celestine back to this world!" He laughed while rubbing his eyes a bit, hiding the tears that almost fell.

"J-Jin oppa" Celestine wanted to cry , shout and jump but it came out only as a whisper. She was shaking, her throat was paining due to the huge lump formed there. Jin was laughing and crying at the same time as he went to her and quickly hugged her ,that's when both of them broke..crying their eyes out.

"Yah! I missed you...and you too!" Jin said taking jungkook in his embrace too. Taehyung and Tris clinged to yoongi's arm while Celestine and jungkook cried their eyes out in jin's embrace.

"We-we found you! " Tris sobbed as yoongi patted her head.
"We found you too.." yoongi smiled at both of them and then looked at jin's condition.

"YAH CELESTINE! I AM HERE TOO" yoongi laughed as that made celestine tear up more and she came running towards him and hugged him.

"You-you bad..*sniffs* you left us..I -I thought..that i lost you both.." Celestine's muffled words made yoongi smiled as he rubbed her back , calming her down.

This was all they wanted. For them nothing mattered anymore, this was all they could wish for...and they would  never let go each other again.


" guys had quite an emotional reunion and you guys are stable, I should introduce myself. " a tall man who was with yoongi and Jin spoke sitting beside the only girl of their group.

"I am Namjoon. " He smiled at all of them.
"And I am jasmine. " the girl beside namjoon joined. She had pretty eyes, and her long black hair was tightly braided. She had those harry Potter glasses on ,making her look adorable.

They all were sitting in the hall. Hoseok and violet were also with them, both of them loved to talk and kept the atmosphere light.

Namjoon kept his hands on jasmine's shoulder while speaking further.
" Jasmine and i used to work in the the intelligence department of the government before apocalypse happened..." Jimin stared at them in awe, that was his dream job.

"So..when the virus broke out both of us were working in one of the rooms and everyone else had taken a break. Since, we were dating one of our colleague thought locking us both without informing would be funny. " She waved her hand dramatically.

"Correction. You guys are still dating." Yoongi rolled his eyes.

"Yeah whatever. So when the attack happened, everyone else died or was infected except us. We were still locked , crying . " She stopped as if to picture those memories again.

"That's when jin and yoongi arrived." Namjoon smiled. "Our Knights in shining armour! "

"When we told you guys to
run away, " Jin said eyeing the three youngsters he was with on day zero. "We were about to get bitten but yoongi pulled me with him and we ran without watching where we were going and finally stopped at the intelligence office. "

"By the time we reached, everything was destroyed there but a locked door made me suspicious, I opened it and that's when we found namjoon and jasmine. " yoongi frowned at the memory.

"Yah hyung! You guys were brave unlike kookie. " Jimin teased jungkook as he narrated their story of day zero followed by Eunji and Taehyung explaining about how they found each other but celestine couldn't focus. She had seen day zero so many times in her dreams, jin and yoongi were lying.

They didn't just run. She couldn't be wrong, she was sure that whatever she saw was true...she had looked back that day , it wasn't a normal sight which she witnessed. 

She looked at both yoongi and Jin. They didn't look like they were hiding something. Her thoughts were broken when jungkook shook her.

"What's wrong? "

Instead of replying to him she looked at others who were laughing and getting along.

"Jungkook. " She looked at him. "They are lying. "


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