chapter 17

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"Your battle will start now."He smiled at them.

Yoongi let out a dramatic sigh, he didn't knew what was about to happen but one thing he knew was that jae wook pisses him off.

"Since we have 7 beds and you are ten, three of you will leave." He reminded them.

"But Jae, they can manage in the hall itself..i mean they can also share rooms. What's the need-"

Jae cut off hoseok.

"What makes you think that your opinion will be considered,Hoseok?" Jae glared at Hoseok and on the other hand Yoongi was fuming because of his behavior.

"You all will be divided into three groups, the weakest among the three groups will leave." Jae declared.

"We all will leave." Yoongi glared back.

"Well, sorry to disappoint you but that's not happening . You step out without my permission and all your companions will be dead." He smiled at yoongi.

"WHAT MAKES YOU THINK THAT I WILL BELIEVE YOU! It's our decision whether we want to stay or not! " yoongi shouted at him.

"This." Jae waved his hands and in less than a second guns were pointed at jin's and namjoon's head. "You disobey me..and i will kill them."

Yoongi clenched his fists , right now he couldn't fight against jae. That will only cause more trouble for them. He glanced at Hoseok, to yoongi's surprise, Hoseok was looking down at his feet and had one of his fists clenched while the other pointed a gun at yoongi himself.

The realization hit yoongi then, maybe jae wook was a senior officer . Most probably Hoseok worked under him before the apocalypse and probably that's why Hoseok could never stand up against jae wook because he pledged his loyalty to jae.

"Anyways, Jin, Eunji and yoongi  will be a group. They will fight against each other in close combat. Taehyung, Namjoon and Jasmine, you will work for the intelligence department. You will be given problems. The one who will be the slowest will be eliminated. And finally, Tris, jungkook, celestine and Jimin. You will defeat each other in shooting. " He started going away when he stopped and turned around again.

"Your fate is in your hands. Fight for it." Jae left.

"Like seriously. " Eunji made a face.


"He wants to tear us apart. So, that we become each other's enemy. " Namjoon said. "It will make it easier for him."

Hoseok silently turned around and started to go when yoongi grabbed his collar and smashed him to the nearest wall. Hoseok groaned in pain .

"Yoongi, what-"

"YOU SAID I COULD TRUST YOU!" Yoongi shouted. It didn't matter what others thought. "YOU TOLD ME TO TRUST YOU AND YOU WERE THE ONE POINTING A GUN AT ME!? WOW."

"Yoongi, leave me-" yoongi didn't even let him speak and punched hoseok square in the jaw. For a second yoongi didn't knew what was bleeding, His knuckles or hoseok's jaw. It was Hoseok's jaw that was bleeding. Yoongi didn't care , all he wanted right now was to beat the shit outta him . He was about to punch him again when a hand stopped him.

It was violet. She slapped yoongi right at his left cheek, leaving marks. She was crying.

"What do you think min yoongi? Only you and your friends are in trouble? YOU THINK WE ARE NOT HELPLESS!? " she shouted at him. Yoongi was too shocked to say anything.

"You know what? People like you are the reason that apocalypse is this bad! You only care about yourself! I-i" she choked as tears fell down her cheeks . " It's because of Hobi oppa i am here! Just like you can never deny Jin because you are loyal to him , Hobi oppa can also not deny jae."

She pulled Hoseok up and let him take her help.

"But i know that Hobi oppa will never take the side of the wrong, even if it means going against the world. He never lies! IT'S YOUR PROBLEM THAT YOU DON'T TRUST HIM and if you don't trust us, it's fine . We will not show up again! " she snapped and helped hoseok out of the room.

"Woah." Jungkook whispered earning a pinch from Jimin.

"Yoongi," Jin went ahead and hugged yoongi. Yoongi was strong, insensitive and all the unemotional stuff but the one person he could break down in front was Jin. "It's okay." Jin rubbed his back as yoongi's silent sobs drenched jin's t-shirt.



As violet said, she and Hoseok didn't showed up after the incident. Even during dinners, they would collect their food and go away. 48 hours were enough for yoongi to realize his mistake and now he couldn't stop feeling guilty. Guilty of not trusting Hoseok.

So right now he was standing in front of Hoseok's room ,trying to knock on the door and apologize but it seemed the most difficult thing on earth.
He had speeches ready in his mind but he felt as if he didn't remember anything.

"Umm...that's Creepy." The sudden voice made yoongi jumped in fear. He turned and found Hoseok standing on his side. Arms crossed with a serious expression.

"I-umm-i mean.." on seeing yoongi's flustered face hoseok chuckled. Yoongi couldn't help but notice the purple blue marks on hoseok's lips and jaw. He mentally slapped himself for his stupidity.

"I mean you could see that my room was locked. " Hoseok came forward and unlocked the door of his room and switched on the lights. He signalled yoongi to come in and yoongi obeyed like a kid.

Yoongi couldn't believe his eyes, hoseok's room was so clean. Yoongi had never saw such a clean room since his birth. Everything was arranged in proper order ,colourwise or pattern wise.

"Woah? You sure you worked for the police and not in some aesthetic showroom? " yoongi couldn't stop his mouth.

Hoseok laughed and before yoongi could stop himself he asked another question -"Hoseok,why do you laugh so much? "

"Crying won't make things better, didn't I already told you that." The orange haired Male simply shrugged and plopped down on his bed and patted the space beside him for yoongi to sit.

"So yoongi, what do you wanna do in your next life?" The question came out of the blue but yoongi was sure what he wanted to become.

"A rock. I won't have to move or do work then."

Hoseok stared at him for sometime before muttering a weak "lazy ass."
Yoongi just shrugged and gave his gummy smile.


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