chapter 6

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After they had a fulfilling dinner, they sat in the living room.
"It's so nice to!" Jungkook smiled.

"What do you mean kook? Jimin-ssi did you not gave food to this boy? " celestine smirked and everyone laughed.

"Yah ! I mean someone else cooking it for us . We both survived mainly on instant food." Jungkook replied annoyed.

Celestine scoffed.

Tris facepalmed. They both are meeting after a year, surviving through an apocalypse, thought about the other and cried. And now when they are meeting, they are teasing each other!

"Ah! It's good to have kookie back! " Tae hugged kook.
"I missed you hyung! " kook hugged back Tae.

Even tho Celestine mocked kook seconds ago, she was more than happy to have him back.
It somehow gave her hope that maybe she will eventually find Yoongi and Jin. Snapping out of her daze, she clapped her hands.

"Guys! This house has four bedrooms, 1 store room and 1 kitchen. The rooms are not big but more than enough. It's time we should actually go to sleep because sleep is my first love and it's calling me. " celestine chirped.

"Still thinking about sleep? You are an awkward potato! " jungkook scoffed.

"JUNGKOOK! " Jimin's eyes were wide. Eunji laughed at his reaction.

"YOU! MR.JEON JUNGKOOK YOU ARE MEAN! " Celestine glared at jungkook.

"YOU! MISS CELESTINE NORTH IS AN AWKWARD POTATO! " Jungkook laughed along with everyone.

"DUMBASS!" Celestine stomped her foot.

"YAH ! THIS GIRL! " Jungkook continued laughing.

"EUNJI NOONA! HELP ME" Celestine whined making tae laugh and Eunji slapped her forehead.

"On a serious note, we need to divide rooms. There are four bedrooms, jungkook and Jimin can share one, Celestine and i will share one and tae will share with Tris." Eunji said .

Jungkook's eyes widened.
"Wh-what when?"

"What ?" Tris asked.

"You and Tae are a
couple? "Jungkook gave a mischievous look earning a laugh from jimin.

"WHAT NO! it's just that the fourth bedroom is reserved. It's a nightmare to sleep with Taehyung! He literally hugs people while sleeping. " Tris rolled her eyes.

"Reserved? " Jimin asked.

"Well..we kept that room for Yoongi oppa and jin oppa, the window in that room is near the bed. You can see stars from there and yoongi oppa was a stargazer so.." celestine looked down.

"You think they are alive? " jungkook asked looking at celestine.

"I don't know. I thought you were dead too but see , i found you." She smiled with tears in her eyes.

"Finding out that you are alive, makes me hopeful that maybe hyungs are alive too." Tae smiled sadly.

In that moment jungkook realized that none of them had overcome what happened with Jin or yoongi. He was not alone in his grief. Jimin hugged taehyung, then kook too leaned in for a group hug and soon everyone joined.

"Anyway, Tae please don't hug me while sleeping! " tris said pulling away from the hug.

"Awww that's not happening! " tae teased her. "I am good with hugs."

"Did-did you just flirted with me! Ohmygod you are so dead. " tris ran behind Taehyung to their room.

Celestine laughed,"they will make an adorable couple. "

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