chapter 3

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It was evening when Tris finally decided to speak. Ever since the outbreak in the morning, she hadn't uttered a single word while Tae was crying and Celestine was numb , a tear or two occasionally falling from her eyes.

"Do-do you guys think they are alive?" She choked at her own words. The fact that they were all separated now and didn't knew if the others were alive..was horrible.

"I don't know. I just don't freaking know what is happening. " Tae replied.

It was all silent for sometime until celestine decided to ask a question.

"What about Jungkook?
Where is he? "

The question didn't had an answer. They have been hiding in one of the basement's of a house for a long time, they didn't had any weapons neither did they had any idea about what happened to the world. Everything was silent.

As if the world was dead.

1 year later.

"Well Taehyung ! If you don't cook today then we will throw you out! " Tris threatened the boy .

Tris and Celestine have been cooking the entire week alternatively while Taehyung along with Eunji cleaned the house. Eunji was 23 , they found her 5 or 6 months ago..she almost died that day , fighting and running away from the zombies which unfortunately outnumbered her , thankfully Celestine and Tris were on a mission to find themselves food and met eunji and saved her .

"Tris i don't like cooking! Noona-" he called Eunji ," will you please cook instead of me. "

No one could ever deny a whining tae , it was a fact. Period.

"I can't believe you listen to his whinings, unni! " Tris sighed.

"He's a child , Tris." Eunji laughed.

"Ah please! This boy right here is 21 and am also 21. He is an adult. An A.D.U.L.T !" Tris glared at Tae who made a puppy face.

"Hello my dear people, i am ready to go! What are the necessities? " Celestine walked down the stairs waving at others.
Though losing Jin, Jungkook and yoongi broke her , she was still surviving somehow.

"We need clothes." Taehyung sighed. "The older ones have either got damaged in fighting or are too thin to survive the coming winter. "

Tris nodded.

"Let's not forget, we need food too. We only have enough to eat for 2 days. " Eunji stated.
Now that was a problem. They moved out of Seoul after the apocalypse and settled in the countryside. Seoul was the capital and the number of people infected were obviously high..survival there would prove difficult.

But everything the countryside had in it's stores were either expired or consumed over the span of one year. Yes they grew some crops on the backyard of the house they lived but that wasn't enough.

To fill up the food stocks, they had to go back to the city , which was a 2 hour drive and dangerous.

Celestine furrowed her eyebrows.

"We should go to a mall or something then..Tris is coming and i think we may need taehyung too but am not sure if leaving Eunji here alone would be wise." She said .

"Don't worry celestine, i will be fine. Take tae's more dangerous in the city."

The three of them took their guns with them which they stole from the corpses of the security guards outside the banks. Bullets were available if you were good enough to find a weapon selling store which hasn't already been raided.

Tris started the drive with Taehyung on her side and Celestine on the passenger seat.

They had reached the city mall without much difficulty which was a surprise. It was like someone had killed those in enough number earlier to make the coast clear.

As they got down from the old car which they drove all the way to here , they cautiously went towards the mall entrance. It was locked. This was highly suspicious! At the time of the attack no one would have the time or brain to lock the entrance.

"Should we take the emergency exit?" Taehyung whispered.

"Yeah..but this is suspicious. " celestine said as they moved towards the emergency exit holding their guns in attacking position. "Stay alert."

Tris was the first to enter followed by the other two.
It was dark but the daylight and memories of the place made it somewhat easier to locate the shops.

"We need more amount of food ,so Taehyung and I will collect food while you can go bring clothes." Tris said and the others nodded simultaneously.
On cue, Taehyung and Tris walked in to one of the stores at the end of the building while Celestine walked towards the stairs, the clothing stores were upstairs. As she climbed up the stairs, she freezed.

There was a zombie, merely 2 meter away from her , as soon as it saw her it started running towards the girl.

"Fuck" She muttered before pulling the trigger of her gun , sending the zombie dead on ground.

She went past the rotting corpse, it wasn't even a year ago when she used to be afraid of blood, cuts always made her dizzy but now going past a rotting corpse or killing a zombie was a normal thing to do if you wanted to survive.

She quickened her pace , gathering as much clothes as she could in her bag.
"Ah Gucci!" She chuckled to herself while picking up a Gucci shirt. Taehyung would be so happy, even after the apocalypse ,he still loved Gucci and now he could get them without spending money. Bonus!

Her sense of happiness didn't last long as she heard a shuffling behind her. Tightening the grip around her gun she turned around but found no one.
She could feel the fear within her but this was no time to lose her shit. She needed to be alert. Internally cursing she lifted her bag , satisfied with whatever clothes she could gather and ran out of the shop , towards the stairs.
She went cold when something pulled her harshly from behind.

"TAEHYUNG! " She shouted before the hand , red with blood pressed itself on her mouth. It was difficult for her to move but she somehow managed to get her hands on the gun's trigger, ready to kill one more zombie.


I am trying to make it better, if there is anything I need to improve please tell. Thank you for reading!

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