chapter 27

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Celestine was out of it so, when they heard more groans, Violet knew celestine wouldn't be able to fight and therefore quickly pulled her inside one of the rooms and closed the door breathing heavily.
"Violet, do you really think we can get out of here alive?"
Even though violet's immediate answer would have been a "Yes" ,she was not sure either.

As only silence greeted celestine, she understood the unpredictability of the situation.
"Don't you have anything to say to everyone if you are going to die?" Celestine asked looking at her.

"Not much." Violet said looking down.
Celestine sighed, as much as she hated to admit it but deep inside her ,there was this unsettling feeling. She still had a lot to say to everyone.

Fidgeting with her sling bag , celestine finally found what she was looking for.
Violet looked at the small recorder in celestine's hand and gave her a questioning look.
Celestine chuckled and spoke,"I just had two cassettes. One has jin oppa's epiphany recorded and the other one is empty. Do you wanna record anything? "

"You want to live right?" Violet asked instead.
"Desperately. I have so much to say to everyone but i guess i will just record it." And with that celestine switched on the recorder.

On the other hand , Lee jae wook had just entered the back arena. There was not much left to be taken care of but he had to be cautious. He held his gun out and walked in, he froze as he saw Felix. Tears fell down as he saw the destruction . All that he hoped now was finding Celestine. Alive.

He jumped in surprise as he saw a few of the undeads lurking in front of a room. He checked his gun and fired at them.

3 to go! 2 to go! And we are done!

He walked upto the door and knocked, hoping there was a specific reason of the undeads gathering here.

" there anyone inside? " he asked loudly.
Celestine shared a look with violet and switched off her recorder , smiling.
"Isn't that Jae?"
"Yeah." Violet said walking up to open the door.

Jae gave her a look before walking in.
"Oh mahn! Thank god you both are alive like damn." He spoke wiping his sweat away from his forehead.

"I never thought i had be so happy to see you, Jae." Celestine smiled.
"Ayy, am not that bad." Jae chuckled.
"Whatever, if you are here then.." celestine was cut off by violet.
"Then there's a chance that we might get out alive?"

Jae nodded.

"Oh! Thank God. I need to hug everyone ASAP." Celestine chuckled.
"Let's go. " she nudged violet and started walking behind Jae.
Celestine frowned as she turned around to see Violet still standing there.

"Jae," celestine whispered as Violet held her gun out ." What is s-she doing? "
"Huh?" Jae turned around and was left shocked as Violet shot Celestine's leg.

"WHAT THE- OH MY GOD!" Jae crouched down , Celestine was shocked and in pain. She fell on the ground, holding her leg.
"Violet, what on earth are you thinking!?" Celestine shouted in agony.
"Honestly speaking, i was fine with both of us dying in that room but Jae had to come and ruin it." Violet told as a Matter of fact.

"What kind of shit are you speaking! " jae raised his voice.
Violet scoffed.
"Who do you think opened the camp gates?"
Silence fell upon all three of them as violet said those words.
"Wh-why?" Celestine asked pressing her wound to stop the continuous flow of blood.

"He was kicking out Jimin, the person i love and Hoseok oppa, the person i think of like a brother for this goddamn camp! How could I just let it GO!?" Violet  screamed at the last part.

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