chapter 14

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It was night but the sky was starless, painted in different shades of breeze was taking all the tensions away from everyone's soul. It was beautiful. Everyone was still in the dining hall but celestine finished earlier and was currently in front of the farm which was right after the hall they were staying in. The farm was fenced. No way a zombie could enter.

She stood at the edge of the farm, closing her eyes she felt the breeze hitting her , the air smelled of rain and it started to drizzle soon. She was euphoric, she loved rain. She loved the feeling of each raindrop kissing her skin slowly.

Jungkook had just came back when he saw the hall door towards the farm was open, he walked towards it only to find celestine there. He took in a sharp breath as he saw her getting drenched slowly, her eyes were close and the breeze was playing with her long black hair.

Unknowingly he walked towards her, standing beside her , he whispered "what are you doing? "

"Ohmygod you scared me! What the fuck."

He chuckled.

"I was..feeling the rain." She replied looking ahead. Jungkook nodded as if he understood what she meant. She suddenly started laughing.
"What kook? You haven't felt the rain ever?"

Jungkook nodded in denial.

"Wait. You were good at soccer right? Playing in the rain barefoot is how you can feel rain. You have done that right? " she looked at him expectedly.

" . I used to sit in the bleachers during rain." It would be an understatement if someone described the look on celestine's face as a mere disappointment.

After a long silence filled with only the sound of rain ,celestine started untying her shoelaces.
" absolutely have to feel rain today. Get off your sneakers."
Jungkook did just that with hesitation.

She held his wrists and ran with him towards the center of the field.
"Celestine what-" she interrupted him.

"Shut up for once and feel your feet against the wet grass. "
Jungkook loved the feeling of running on wet was peaceful in a weird way. It was as if all the tensions and fears in him were slowly leaving his body as he was getting drenched in the rain.

The raindrops falling on him at a certain rhythm, the occasional lightening in the sky, the feeling of running barefoot was like a slow music to him. She left his hand as they were in the middle of the farm , breathing heavily she sat down. Jungkook sat beside her , laughing madly.

"Ain't it great? " she said looking at him..

"THE BEST!" he shouted to no one.

" never changes. Just like sun always rises in east and sets in west, rain also never changes it's direction. It always comes down, it somehow reminds me to fly high but also keep my feets at ground. It's important. " she smile.

Their eyes met.

"Rain doesn't differentiate, it falls equally on always embraces me , doesn't matter if i commit a sin or do something great. It never changes. Rain is consistent, that's why i love it. It's the cause of my euphoria. " she laughed a bit .

Jungkook stared at her form. He could have never thought that way . His hand somehow found it's way to hers , "thank you! " he whispered. No explanation was needed. He was just happy to have her..the girl he was slowly falling for.

"KOOKIE-AH! " she giggled like a child as the rain turned into a storm. "Let's go back before all the lights from the camp extinguishes. " she stood up but jungkook pulled her back.

DEAD: BTS × Zombie apocalypse Where stories live. Discover now