chapter 9

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"I-I  had to kill him."

Everyone fell silent, no one dared to ask her anything else. Cutting through the silence, eunji's sob filled with car.

"I had a younger brother, He was two years younger than me, almost like Tae. I had practically raised him up..we were the best of friends. Chan. His name was Chan. He was different from everyone else.

He was a sincere boy, a straight A student in school, it was his graduating ceremony when apocalypse happened......he was smiling with his classmates, I was standing at the back . I was very proud of him..he occasionally flashed me a grin that shouted 'we have to party ' . When he got off the stage, I hugged him and I was in tears , IT was overwhelming , my little  brother had graduated. It was a big deal.

But suddenly, he pulled me with him as terrified screams filled the air. There were countless zombies there, we ran holding hands through the corridors and he pushed me inside the cafeteria kitchen and tried to fight those things . He locked Me there and kept fighting without any weapon . I shouted for him to open the door, he was my everything and I couldn't lose him. He did open the door and came inside and quickly closed the door again. I gasped at his sight.
It was blood everywhere. "

Eunji was crying badly by now , celestine hugged her as she fought back her tears. Eunji continued - " We stood there looking at each other for what felt like eternity until he spoke in a cracked voice "Noona...I-I am..bitten.." He fell on his knees.

You don't turn into one of those in an takes time. He coughed blood, I hugged him tightly, I tried to keep him safe in my embrace...but I couldn't. His body was changing....his eyes were full of emotions. He didn't wanted to die like that. He stumbled towards the kitchen counter , grabbed a knife and brought two glasses of water.

"Noona..cheers! I graduated. " He tried to smile amidst his sobs . "Too bad, we can only have water. "
He drank the water and handed me the knife. I knew what I had to do..but it's not easy....chan was everything to me. I kept crying while holding his hands. I loved him.

I gave up and slashed him when his pain became unbearable for both of us.  I  cried for so long sitting in front of his body..but he didn't woke up again.  I killed my own brother, what does that make me? A murderer. " Eunji whispered in her sobs. "I freaking murdered my brother, celestine. " She clutched celestine's t-shirt.

"You...are not..a murderer. You..saved him..he loved you ! " Celestine said sniffing as tears rolled down her eyes.
"I came to Korea Two years before the apocalypse...I fought with my parents to come here..I wanted to become a singer. "

Jungkook's eyes widened. Although he knew she wasn't a native korean and was basically from USA, he didn't knew that she fought with her parents to come here and he didn't knew that she wanted to be a singer. He always saw her sitting at corners listening to other people singing, he never heard her voice when she sang. The realisation hit him like a truck...he doesn't actually know her.

Celestine continued, "I-I miss my parents too..I know I  don't talk much about them. I know that they aren't alive. How could they have possibly survived? They were old, even if they were safe inside the house , food would have finished soon..I don't even know if they starved themselves to death or they turned into one of them.

All I know is that I will never see them again. But I still want to go back, I want their love to embrace me when I will walk around the house ..memories stay so, I am sure that even if they aren't physically there..their love is present. " She smiled through the tears. "Although I got so many great people here..and I love them but somewhere deep within me i regret coming here, leaving them. The fact that I am alive and they aren't hurts. But life goes on."

It was all silent.
By now jimin was shedding tears was almost like a 'let out session ' . Eunji composed herself and wiped her cheeks, her pale skin had now turned to shades of red near the eyes and nose from all the crying and Celestine looked out of the window. Avoiding any gaze on her. She didn't like letting her emotions out, it made her feel weak ,she was suppressing her emotions yet again, building a wall between her true self and everyone. Her true self was vulnerable.

Jimin sniffed occasionally and kept hugging Eunji for a long time. He was the most emotional one among them..he cried in other's pain and laughed with them in their joys.

Jungkook was sitting beside celestine, looking at her lost self. There was so much he didn't knew about her. She had regrets for surviving the apocalypse! Who would have thought that? He wanted to know everything about her , her always smiling face has so many other shades that are yet to be discovered.

Interrupting his thoughts taehyung and Tris got inside the car breathing heavily. Their face showed.....fear?

"GUYS. We are screwed! " Taehyung's voice cracked.


A/N- yes. That Chan is Bangchan of Stray kids.
I absolutely love them toooooo!♡
Putting stray kids as main characters would mess the book but they can always have cameos ;)
I am a stayarmy!
Although cameos won't always be  as sad as this one. Chan is a freaking sweetie ♡

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