Chapter 1

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Adam stared mindlessly out of the window across from him on the SkyTrain, watching as the buildings of Downtown Vancouver passed by. Today was Adam's first day as a surgical intern at Tremblay General, one of the top teaching hospitals in the city; and to sum up how he felt in one word, it would have to be terrified.

He had always wanted to be a doctor, more specifically a surgeon. Since he was a kid he had a fascination with all things medical, but now it was all becoming a reality and something about that terrified him. The idea of having people's lives in his hands scared him to the core, though the hope of being able to help people and make a difference made it all seem worth it.

Yet in spite of the strange mix of emotions he felt in the depths of his stomach, here he was; twenty six years old and on his way to the first day of the rest of his life; as Dr. Adam Almeida, MD.

Adam had completely zoned out. He was staring blankly out the Skytrain window when he felt the sudden, inescapable feeling of someone watching him. His gaze shifted down slightly to see a handsome man with the most breathtaking blue eyes staring directly at him. Adam immediately lowered his gaze back down to his lap, taking a sip of his Timmies iced cold brew as he pretended to look at his phone; a light rings of rouge coming over his tanned cheeks.

Adam couldn't help but notice how beautiful the man was. He had chestnut brown hair perfectly styled on top of his head, piercing sapphire blue eyes, and a handsome chiseled face with just the right amount of stubble that made him look like he stepped off the cover of GQ. The stylish blue button down shirt he was wearing was fitted perfectly, showing off his muscular arms and sculpted, manly chest.

Adam peeked up again to sneak another glance at the handsome man, scanning him up and down until he noticed the man's strikingly blue eyes shoot up to glare back at him once again. Adam quickly lowered his gaze again as the man smirked knowing full well what was going on; catching the pretty young man across from him so blatantly checking him out.

    Adam felt the man undressing him with his eyes, almost to the point where he felt violated. The man scanned Adam from head to toe, quickly noticed just how pretty the mystery boy across from him was; almost too pretty for a grown man. From his radiant olive complexion to his long eyelashes, innocent looking hazel eyes and wavy dark brown, almost black hair. Adam looked up to see the man still staring at him, only for them both to abruptly make and promptly break eye contact once again.

    This is so awkward, Adam thought to himself as he internally fabricated what he thought might be the man's whole life story. He came to the conclusion that the man was definitely a finance bro; arrogant, wealthy, ambitious, almost definitely straight. He definitely had a beautiful girlfriend whom he treated like shit, and he was most probably cheating on her with his secretary. Harsh, but most likely true.

    Unbeknownst to him, Adam was captivatingly attractive, which often proved to be a blessing and a curse. He had no problem getting male attention, whether it was welcome or not, but he was painfully shy and had trouble opening up to people; which is precisely why he had never been in a real relationship before.

Adam was 18 when he had came to Vancouver from Toronto to go to university at UBC. He ended up falling in love with the city and stayed here for medical school as well. He had fallen out with his conservative, religious parents when he finally plucked up the courage to come out to them on his eighteenth birthday. From then on he was on his own for the most part when it came to paying for uni, accommodations and all other necessities.

He worked as a bartender at a gay bar in the West End on the weekends, which paid well, so he couldn't complain. He made friends along the way, friends who would be the only real family he had. Of course he did have casual relationships here and there, and quite a few hookups and one night stands, but nothing ever really amounted to anything serious. Adam was getting to the point where he thought he was truly unlovable.

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