Chapter 10

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Warning: Sexual content (Kink Warning: Mild BDSM and degradation)

"Alright, pretty boy. Strip." Dylan slurred as soon as he closed the door to his apartment and locked it behind him. Till then he kept his lust and desire to ravish Adam bottled up successfully, but now it was open season.

    Dylan smirked as he watched Adam unzip his sweatshirt, revealing his toned body. He was muscular and it was clear he worked out, but there was still something slender and delicate about him, which drove Dylan crazy. He had red body glitter all over his smooth and sleek upper body. Adam gently lowered the fleece shorts to reveal the slinky red lace panties he had on, which left little to nothing to the imagination.

"You into kinky shit, Prettyboy?" Dylan asked cheekily as he caressed Adam's bubble butt, teasing the fringes of the red lace panties with his fingertips. 

"Uhhh... How kinky are we talking?" Adam asked softly, hitching his breath as Dylan's manly hands grazed over his sensitive inner thigh.

"Just a bit of spanking, name calling. Nothing too, too intense. Not usually into spanking but something about seeing you like this makes me feel a bit kinky." Dylan groaned huskily as he stood back up and looked into Adam's eyes. "But if you're down... And obviously I want you to tell me if something makes you uncomfortable."


"You're a little whore you know that." Dylan slurred as he snaked his arm around Adam's waist, pulling him flush against his body. "Parading around that bar, filled with horny men staring at you, flirting with you, touching you."

"I'm not a whore." Adam said defensively as he stared up into Dylan's drunken eyes

"You make money from showing off your body." Dylan smirked down at him condescendingly. "That makes you a whore, Prettyboy."

"I'll leave if you're going to keep insulting me." Adam said as Dylan chuckled, with his face buried in Adam's neck. "I'm serious, you can find another twink to mess around with if you're just going ."

"You don't like being called a whore, noted." Dylan smirked as he smacked Adam's ass. "You talk a lot, Prettyboy. How about we do something that'll shut you up." he smirked as he scooped Adam up, making him wrap his legs around Dylan's strong muscular waist. He carried him all the way to the bedroom, roughly throwing him on the bed. Dylan stripped down to his briefs, watching Adam blush as he stood before him. 

"For someone who has to stand around half naked, flirting with a bunch of random men while they eye rape you, you sure do get shy in front of me." He said as he rubbed Adam's blushing cheeks before slapping him lightly.

"I don't know what you want me to say." Adam said softly, averting his gaze.

"You're a bad boy." Dylan said darkly. "And you need to be punished." Dylan grabbed Adam by the neck and winked darkly as he gently choked him . "Don't be scared Prettyboy. I'm not going to hurt you too much. But you're mine, and you can't just let people look at and touch what's mine." Dylan roughly pulled Adam's supple body over his knee and rubbed his ass, lowering the waistband of his red lace panties to reveal his bare skin.

    Dylan raised his open palm and spanked Adam as hard as he possibly could as the boy writhed in pain in his lap. He smirked before raising his hand again, crashing it back down on Adam's round ass.

"You're fucking delicious, you know that." Dylan said as Adam sat up in his lap. With a smirk Adam got off of Dylan's lap and got on his knees, staring up at Dylan while biting his lip naughtily. He slipped Dylan's hard erection out of his briefs, teasing the tip of his cock with his tongue before swallowing it whole.

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