Chapter 28

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"Dr. Petrakis!" A dark haired nurse rushed over to Alex as he assessed a patient in the emergency ward; a young Simon Fraser student who needed his stomach pumped after a long night of partying. "Dr. Petrakis! He's waking up!" She said as she caught her breath. .

"Adam?" Alex's face brightened visibly as a smile tugged on the corners of his mouth. "I'll be right over as soon as I finish here. Thank you for letting me know."

The young nurse ran over back towards the ICU as a smile seemed to creep across Alex's face. It had been five days since Adam was brought into the emergency ward. Two days since he had been stable and no longer a code risk. He was breathing normally, normal brain activities, normal organ function. It was like he miraculously began to fight.

Alex walked towards the ICU, entering Adam's hospital room. At first glance, Adam's face had regained it's original radiant olive complexion; which was a good sign. Since he had come in he had turned a sickly pale colour, but thankfully now his radiance seemed to be gradually returning. The boy opened his eyes slowly to glance over at Alex in the doorway, as a smile began tug on on his lips.

"Hey, Prettyboy." Alex said with a warm smile as he walked over towards Adam. "How are you feeling?"

"Like shit." Adam said groggily with a light chuckle.

"I can imagine." Alex chuckled back, though his eyes shone with concern and a tinge of melancholy. "We thought we'd lose you... We almost did, three times. But you're a fighter."

"I guess I am..." Adam said softly. "Is Dylan..."

"He doesn't know you're awake, and he doesn't have to." Alex said tersely. "Dr. LaPointe notified me that your transfer to Tremblay Montréal has been processed and you can start whenever you've recovered."

"Can I... Um... I talk to him?" Adam asked softly, as Alex's icy demeanour began to melt.

"Dr. LaPointe? Sure. I can page him." Alex said softly, though he dreaded that's not whom he meant.

"No... I mean Dyl..." Adam said strongly, though he knew he wasn't entirely ready to face him.

"Why..." Alex asked confusedly as he glanced down at Adam's oddly calm demeanour... "Could you hear what he said?!" Alex asked dumbfounded as Adam nodded slowly. "And you want to talk to him?" Adam nodded again.

"I... I believe him..." Adam said softly, as Alex sighed, his body seeming to relax slightly, sitting down next to Adam.

"I believe him too... For what it's worth." Alex said with a smile. "I won't pretend like I approve of his strange stalker obsession with you. But... I can't for a minute believe he'd purposefully hurt you. I remember the day he saw you in the library he said you were the one, and I thought he needed to be admitted to Vancouver General's Psych ward. But now I get it..." He said with a chuckle. "I'll go get him, you don't go anywhere okay." Alex teased as he walked towards the door.

"Hey... Alex?" Adam called out to him as the other boy turned to look at him with a smile. "Thanks for not giving up on me... Even when I had given up on myself."

"Of course I couldn't give up on you, Prettyboy." Alex said with a teasing smirk. "We've both made the mistake of falling head of heels for Tremblay boys. The two of us have to stick together, it's the only way they won't drive us absolutely insane." Alex and Adam shared a chuckle as the other boy disappeared into the hallway leaving Adam alone with his thoughts.

It was Adam's first year of university and he spent most of his weeknights in the library sitting in the silent study area with Sophia. Ilya and Nikolai usually didn't study too much, their majors required less of it, and they also had the ability to study the morning of an exam and do well. For Premeds like Sophia and Adam, this wasn't exactly an option. While they did enjoy themselves on Fridays and Saturdays, Sundays and the rest of the week were grind time for them.

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