Chapter 18

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Warning: Sexual content.

Adam groaned, shooting Dylan a pointed glare from the passenger seat as the taller man stared amusedly at his phone, mindlessly scrolling through it. He watched Dylan snicker quietly as a smile began to blossom across his handsome face. Adam felt a pang of jealously going through his chest, wondering whom it was who seemed to be amusing his boyfriend so much, but as much as he wanted to grab the phone out of Dylan's hand, he somehow found the constraint to not do so.

    Adam shifted his glare away from Dylan as he felt a vibrating sensation coming from his jeans pocket. He contorted his body to pull the phone out of his skin tight jeans, letting out a huff as he finally pried the damn thing out. He looked at the screen to see a notification; yet another meme from Dylan.

"You know I'm right here, you could always just show it to me on your phone instead of sending it to me." Adam rolled his eyes  as Dylan leant over and ruffled his messy dark hair.

"Where's the fun in that?" Dylan said with a smirk. "I wouldn't get to see your pretty face light up when you open it."

    Adam rolled his eyes, blushing as he shifted his gaze out the window at the sun peeking up above the horizon. It was Remembrance Day weekend and lucky for them, Dylan and Adam had the long weekend off at the hospital.

Dylan had been planning something, but Adam didn't have the slightest inkling as to what it was. But the look of sheer excitement on Dylan's face was all the incentive Adam needed to go along with it without asking too many questions.

Nonetheless, being stuck in a lineup of cars waiting at the ferry terminal at six in the morning was the last place he would have elected to spend his long weekend.

"Where are we going, anyway?" Adam asked as Dylan shushed him, placing his finger on the smaller boy's lips.

"Nanaimo." Dylan said flatly with a cheeky smile.

"Well no shit, I didn't think we were taking the damn ferry to Australia. But why are we going to Nanaimo?" Adam asked, glaring daggers at Dylan.

"Just wait and find out." Dylan smirked with a glint of excitement in his bright blue eyes.

    It wasn't long before Dylan drove the car straight onto the ferry and walked up to sit in the passenger area of the ferry. Adam sat next to Dylan silently, staring out of the front window at the beautiful view of the deep black Pacific Ocean, the islands and the mountains in the distance.

It wasn't the first time Adam had taken the ferry to Vancouver Island, he had gone a few times before, since Ilya and Nikolai's aunt had a holiday home in Victoria. But this was the first time he was going with Dylan, which made it all the more special. It was the first time he was going anywhere outside of Metro Vancouver with Dylan really.

    Dylan gazed out at the ocean as he felt a light weight lean onto his shoulder, cocking his head to the side to see Adam's soft raven hair rested on him. He leant forward to look at Adam, quickly noticing that the boy had fallen fast asleep. He slept most of the two hour journey, though Dylan didn't mind; this was exactly what he had yearned for, to have his Prettyboy by his side.

    He hated having to wake Adam up as the ferry approached Nanaimo harbour. As much as he wanted to carry him below deck to the car he knew people would probably judge a grown man carrying another grown man like a child.

"Hey baby... Baby wake up, we're almost there." Dylan lightly poked Adam's soft cheek as the smaller boy blinked his eyes open.  "Good boy, now come on, let's get you to the car and you can go back to sleep."

"Great." Adam rubbed his eyes with his fists and stumbled to stand up, raising his arms to stretch as Dylan stared at him with a smirk. Adam's sweater rode up as he stretched his arms in the air, exposing Adam's toned and slender waist. Dylan couldn't help but reach over and pinch Adam's soft exposed skin, making the smaller boy jump. "Dylan, stop! Someone might see."

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