Chapter 19

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"Seriously?!" Sophia said squealing like a little schoolgirl. "That's so cute! I can't believe he did that!"

"I know." Adam blushed wildly. "I don't know it's just... I'm so afraid of him."

"Adam, babe. He hasn't hurt you has he?" Sophia said as they walked out of the SkyTrain station and down the sidewalk towards their apartment.

"No, not like that. I'm afraid he'll break my heart." Adam said quietly as Sophia groaned.

"Not this again." Sophia said rolling her eyes.

"I've never been this close to anyone before. I've never even slept with the same person more than once. I'm just afraid of letting him in and having him hurt me."

"I know, babe." Sophia said with a sigh. "But he hasn't given you a reason for you not to trust him."

"I love him and I've never loved anyone before. And he's the first person who has ever loved me." Adam's voice cracked as he remembered his parents. "Every person who ever loved me stopped loving me. What if he stops loving me too..."

"Hey. Hey. Listen. I love you. Ilya and Nikolai love you. We all love you and you know who else loves you? Dylan loves you. It doesn't matter what anyone else says. Your family were fucked up, but we're your family now. Understood?" Sophia scolded as she unlocked the door to their apartment. "Enough of all that though, Ilya and Nikolai will be here any minute."

"Why are they coming again?" Adam muttered, and was met by a glare from Sophia. "Not like that, it's just... Nikolai was bare awkward when he saw me with Dylan. I don't get it. And Dylan got super mad when he found out I slept with Nikolai."

"Wait till he finds out you slept with Ilya too." Sophia said teasingly. "Adam, you're twenty seven years old. You went through a hoe phase and slept with many people. I'm sure you're not forbidden from ever seeing them just because of a few drunk mistakes when you were nineteen. Besides, Nikolai was probably just protective of you, he always  has been."

"I guess you're right." Adam said as he cleared the random clutter out of the living room.

    It wasn't long before Ilya and Nikolai got to theirs; they had dinner, chatted, drank, the usual. But there was a bit of tension between Nikolai and Adam, though Adam didn't know why. He looked at Adam with a strange unreadable expression. It didn't look angry, it just looked unsettled and uncomfortable.

"Hey Nik... Could we talk?" Adam said, finally plucking up the courage to confront the elephant in the room. Nikolai turned white as a sheet. He nodded and followed Adam silently as he lead him to his bedroom and shut the door behind him.

"W-what did you want to talk to me about?" Nikolai asked shifting awkwardly as he sat down on Adam's bed.

"You've just been acting strange lately." Adam said as he sat down next to Nikolai, glancing at him warmly. "I love you, you know that. You've been like the big brother I never had. You were there for me when I needed it most and I know you're upset. You know you can tell me if I've done something to upset you."

"It's nothing." Nikolai said unconvincingly, leaving a painful silence between he two. "It's... It's nothing you did. Adam It's just... I... Dylan wasn't a good guy when we were at uni."

"I know... He told me. He also told me he's changed since then." Adam said warmly. "He's a surgeon now, he's gotten his life together."

"People don't change, Adam." Nikolai sighed disappointedly. "They just get better at hiding it."

"Nik... I don't know what you expect me to do." Adam chuckled humourlessly, throwing his hands up in frustration.

"Break up with him, Adam. Take it from me. I've known him for longer than you have. He's fucked up. Just do this for me, trust me. I have always looked out for you, all I'm asking is that you steer clear of him." Nikolai said frantically, as Adam stared at his peculiar demeanour.

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