Chapter 2

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The best part about having Sundays off for Adam was that he could pick up a shift at Lux, which was the gay club he had been working at since university. Although interns are paid, it wasn't a whole lot; and certainly not nearly enough to cover the steep rent and cost of living in Metro Vancouver. So bartending on the side would have to be his side hustle.

His first year of uni, he had gone to Lux for his friend's nineteenth birthday and that's when he met Ilya in the lineup for the washroom. They got to talking and  ended up becoming friends. At first Ilya just wanted to get Adam into bed, but eventually the boy's innocence and sweet demeanour led to him treating him more as a little brother. Ilya helped him when he needed it most and that was something Adam would never forget.

    Adam hadn't realized Ilya was one of the owners of Lux when they first met, it wasn't until later when Ilya himself discovered that Adam worked two jobs at Shoppers Drug Mart and Tim Hortons alongside a full course-load to make ends meet did the truth finally come out. Adam had too much pride to let anyone see his weaknesses and detested the idea of asking for help; this resulted in him being proudly self-sufficient and autonomous. Nonetheless, Feeling bad for Adam's situation, Ilya asked if Adam would like to work at Lux; for which Adam was wholeheartedly grateful. He had received some Student Aid which helped with tuition to a point, but surviving Metro Vancouver costs of living still often left him pinching pennies. But his job at Lux with it's surprisingly generous tips helped until one day he got an email inviting him to apply to an academic and need-based scholarship from Tremblay Corporation which ultimately helped ease the tuition burden for the rest of undergrad.

He started off as a waiter at Lux, who would take drink orders and bring them to bar patrons. Unfortunately it involved being half naked and covered in body glitter, which in turn invited unwanted attention from the handsy drunk bar patrons; yes, it was one of those gay bars with the scantily clad bartenders, go-go boys, and dancers.

It had initially bothered Adam and made him feel like a piece of meat, but Ilya and his older brother Nikolai were always protective of him, which ultimately put him at ease and gave him some sense of security. Ilya even paid for Adam to get a bartender's licence so he could bartend at the club, which still involved revealing outfits, but at least he was out of reach from the more predatory customers.

    Adam called Ilya that night after going home from the hospital and asked if he could possibly pick up a shift on Saturday nights, and Ilya gladly accommodated. Adam was a hard worker, and he was attractive which was all you really could ask for in a bartender at a gay club.

It was a Friday night, so Sophia and Adam were both not on call, meaning they all could meet for dinner with Ilya just like old times. The three met up downtown to grab something from a food truck and walk to Ilya's apartment to hang out.

"So Dr. Messina totally wants to fuck you, eh Prettyboy?" Sophia teased while taking a bite out of her donair kebab.

"Oh my God! Shut up!" yelled Adam as he blushed bright red.

"What's this about?" Ilya asked, cocking an eyebrow at the two of them.

"Our resident totally wants Adam. It's so obvious. He's harsher on him than he is to the rest of us and he stares at him when he thinks nobody is looking." Sophia explained. "But little does he know I'm always looking."

"Creepy much?" said Adam between bites. "Besides, we don't even know if he's gay! All these signs could point to homophobe as well." Sophia and Ilya hummed in agreement as they exchanged knowing glances.

"I mean he gave us all nicknames. And Adam's is Prettyboy so..." Sophia contested.

"Oh. He's definitely trying to pipe." Ilya chimed in, warranting a slap to the arm from Adam.

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