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Hi - quick author's note. I'm editing this story once again in bits and pieces because of quarantine and I'm bored. I hope you're all doing well and if you're a gay person reading this, hi!


I'm not sure how this happened. All I can think about is the start of it all.


I was sitting at the kitchen island, flipping through my history textbook. This thing had to weigh at least 10 pounds. The teachers had all decided to assign tons of work over spring break, after telling us at the start of the year that they'd leave our breaks homework free.

Nothing I did was helping me to focus. The bright sunlight that continued to leak through our large glass sliding doors was an even bigger distraction.

I went back to reading and highlighting my notes, searching for key points.. After a few minutes, I heard a soft knock and the bright sunlight was covered by a shadow. I turned to look at the door, getting up to see who stood behind it.

My brother, Jacob, and his somewhat "serious" girlfriend of four years, Ariana, stood outside.

Ariana was short, had wavy blonde hair that ended just past her shoulders, and pretty hazel eyes. Jacob towered over her and was the complete opposite - brown hair, brown eyes, 6'3.

I slid the door open, staring at them both. "What's up? I thought you guys were only going to be stopping by during important holidays. You said you couldn't stand to be around mom for more than a 5 hours at a time." I looked pointedly at Jacob.

"Jacob wanted to come by. It's been a while." Ariana cleared her throat awkwardly. It had literally been about a week and a half since I had last seen either of them. I raised an eyebrow, confused. "We wanted to go out for some breakfast."

"Well, um," I thought quickly, searching for an excuse I hadn't already used. "I already ate, sorry to tell y-"

Jacob placed his hands on my shoulders, stepping inside as he did so. I immediately stopped talking. "Shut up.  I'm going to wake mom and dad up and we're all going out to breakfast."He dropped his hands and turned away from Ariana and I, walking up the staircase to our parents bedroom.

"So, what are you supposed to be studying for?" Ariana asked as I sat back down with a loud sigh. She leaned over my shoulder to peek at my work. I felt strangely uncomfortable with her that close. I was used to her being around, but for some reason today felt different. As if something big was coming. A change.

Her hair brushed against my shoulder as I saw her look at the corner of my notes, which read "Mrs. Belling".

"Ah." Ariana smiled. "Mrs. B! I remember her. Hard teacher. My friends and I used to always fool around in that class. We were stupid."

"Uh, yeah." I said distractedly. I could smell her perfume - some flowery scent. Kind of like roses, mixed with lavender. I inhaled and smiled.

"You smell nice."

Ariana blushed and I realized how awkward we both were. Her, so close to me and me complimenting her scent. I twitched in my seat.

"I do, don't I?" She grinned and sat down on the stool beside me. "I never thought I'd say this, but I think you're really beautiful, Carter. I don't know how I haven't noticed."

"What?" I asked, surprised.

She blushed again, but this time the pink color traveled down to her collarbone. "You know, you're just beautiful. I've been thinking-"

"Thinking? Thinking about?" I inquired, my voice shaky.

"Just about you and me."

"What are you talking about?" I said, sliding away from her, accidentally bumping into our chip holder. A bag fell down and hit me on the head. I moved away from the counter. "You're my brothers girlfriend, we've known each other for so long. That's weird. And wrong. Very wrong."

"I don't know." She muttered more to herself than to me. "I just never realized how attractive you were, and you're a lesbian..I guess sometimes I wish I met you before Jake. When I met you for the first time, I was intrigued. Plus, I've been dreaming about you. It's taken me some time to act on them." She admitted.

"What?" I gasped. "You're supposed to be with my brother. Jacob. Remember him? Not go after me, even if the dreams are nice." My voice was sharp.

I could not believe this was actually happening to me. I knew I was attractive, but certainly not to this extent. I had gotten these kind of compliments often - I just never expected Ariana to be one of the people complimenting me. She had never shown any interest towards me. It was always Jacob.

I had long, thick brown hair and deep brown eyes. I was average weight and height. I thought of myself as plain most of the time, despite what people have told me in the past.

"Okay, I'm sorry. It's silly. You're right, I love your brother." Ariana's lie hung in the air, silence following behind it. She looked down at her nails.

Jacob's footsteps suddenly broke the silence as he came rushing down the stairs. "Mom and dad said they're gonna get ready quick. They wanted to go to this new diner that opened down the street, something called DD's"

"Oh, yeah. I've been there. It's good." I sighed. "Breakfast sounds fun, but..." I glanced at Ariana. "I think I'm going to skip it." I didn't feel very good about being near her any longer than I had to.

"You aren't going to skip it." He snapped. "You haven't been out with us since the accident, so I'm forcing you to come. For us, please Carter." He made those puppy dog eyes you just couldn't say no to.

"Fine." I said as he pulled Ariana close. Looking at them made me feel sick.

"Thank you, you have no idea how happy this makes me." He grinned and squeezed my hand, then turned to Ariana and kissed her. As he held her in his arms, she was staring at me from under him. I quickly looked away, back at my textbook.

Today was going to be difficult.

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