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I was looking at myself in the mirror while changing. We had just gone swimming and my wet hair was clinging to my skin. The cold air in the locker-room made me shiver slightly as I pulled my sweatshirt over my head.

I turned around and nearly jumped out of my skin, seeing someone behind me. Before I could be overcome by panic, I realized it was just my best friend, Andrea.

"Hey, are you coming with me after school?" I stared blankly at her. "Hello?" She held her hand in my face, and sighed. I saw that she was in just a bra and jeans. I rolled my eyes and replied.

"No, I can't. I have a date." I regretted those words as soon as they came out of my mouth. It had just felt natural to say them. "I mean a meeting!"

Andrea stared back at me intensely.

"A date? Huh, you're finally growing up! I'm proud. Who's the lucky lady?" Andrea winked at me. I was thankful that she wasn't against the LGBT community. Turning away, I grabbed my bag and slammed my locker shut.

"Nobody. I'm just meeting with a friend, okay? I'm serious, don't snoop around." I sighed and opened the locker-room doors. Andrea followed as fast as she could, grabbing her shirt along the way. I felt an urge to slap her and tell her to back off, but I should be used to her nosiness by now. We had been best friends since we were five.

"It's my job to be a know-it-all! I'm your best-friend, come on. You can tell me! I promise I won't tell." She whined as we reached my last class of the day: english. I rolled my eyes again, and pushed her against the wall. She let out a gasp.

I looked around to make sure no one was being a little snoop like her. "Andrea, if you tell anyone, I will know it's you. Trust me. I will hunt you down and kill you." Her eyes widened. "The person I'm meeting with is Ariana. We had something come up and she wanted to speak to me after school.. her and Jake broke up last night." I wasn't necessarily lying. I just wasn't telling the entire truth. Andrea just didn't need to know how much I did like Ariana.

Andrea followed me into the classroom. "Um, the teacher will probably notice you aren't in her class. I mean she may be old, but she can see." I tapped above my eyes.

"I doubt it, if she isn't even here to see me come in." She motioned for me to look around the room. A substitute teach I had never seen before was sitting at the teachers desk. I noticed how many people were looking at us; Andrea was popular and people often followed her.

I glared at her for a moment and sat down in the back. Teachers. Always absent when I actually need them here. I wasn't planning on telling anyone what was going on with me and Ariana, but I guess the cat was already out of the bag.

"Look, I'm not going to judge you-" Andrea began.
"I might date Ariana." I blurted out.

Embarrassing silence followed this. The students around us continued to talk and laugh loudly.

"You know... I've done some pretty awful things. But, I can't believe you never told me what was going on! Did you expect me to not be curious? This is pretty weird, and I know you aren't just meeting her." Andrea whispered.

"It happened three days ago!" I replied angrily as the sub called out my name. "Here!" I snapped at her, making heads turn. I glared at them until they looked away. I faced Andrea again. "Say you're Annie, she isn't here today." I let out a tired sigh as Andrea pretended to be the girl.

Kids didn't question this; Since Andrea was popular, they would never blow her cover by snitching. If they did, she would destroy them. Or at least they thought she would. Andrea is a pretty nice person besides all the nosiness and the slight attitude.

"She came on to me, that's all, I promise you. As of right now, anyway." My lips twitched. "I can't hurt Jake. Not again." I muttered. Andrea knew about what had happened. Her and Jessica both knew, and Jessica was gone for now.

"You won't if you really do want her, Carter. I say tell him once you're in love with her, or know the relationship is real. Be sure about what you want, before saying anything." Andrea met my eyes and I smiled a bit, trying to push the butterflies away.

"What would I do without you? I love you so much!" I squealed and hugged her. She pulled herself away from me and I stared, confused.

"We aren't dating, so don't say I love you to me," Andrea giggled. When she saw the look on my face, she continued on. "I'm kidding! I hope this all works out, okay? Ariana seems sweet, but she got caught up with the wrong person. She needs a Carter in her life, just like I do." She squeezed my hand and I grinned at her.


I sat down in the small coffee shop, glancing around at the few people that were here. I assumed this was why Ariana had chosen a small coffee shop as our meeting place; no one would see us.

The door jingled and I looked up. It was Ariana. She flashed me a beautiful smile and I looked at her, taking in her clothing; a tan leather jacket over a white sweater, paired with jeans. She looked amazing. So amazing.

I watched as she walked over to the counter and ordered for us. A few minutes later, she came over and sat across from me. She handed me one of the coffee cups.

"I got you almond milk and two sugars. I saw you order that at the diner."  She blushed and my heart began to pound, the butterflies fluttering alive once more. I almost placed a hand on my heart, but instead I took the cup from her.

"You didn't have to spend money on me. I have my own money." I muttered as I looked away awkwardly. I could feel my own cheeks beginning to burn. I felt her hands caress my cheeks and she turned my face to look at her.

"I wanted to. You may be younger than me, but that doesn't change anything for me, Carter. You're so much better than anybody I've met, even your brother. Only a few more weeks and I won't have to wait.. I can actually hold you, and have you over.." She drifted off and smiled at me as she leaned in, kissing my cheek. I smiled since she had said my name. I looked at her, meeting her eyes.

"Oh, Ariana. I'm sorry I caused all of this, I wish you could have come and met me first, not Jake. He'll be so mad at me." I kept whispering. I was anxious and I couldn't handle what the future had in store for me and Ariana.

"Even if I had, we couldn't have been together. You weren't legal. You turn eighteen in a few weeks."

I put my face in my hands. "This is such a mess. He's gonna hate me. I know it."

"Listen to me." She grabbed my hands. "I will protect you. Jacob won't get mad at you, you're his sister, he'll always love you. I promise. I will do everything in my power to keep you safe." She smiled, her dimples showing. She leaned closer.

"I want you to be mine, but for now we can go slow, if you'd like. Whatever you want from me."

I found myself forgetting the promises I made to myself: Wait a while! Don't jump into anything with her! Give it some time!

"I'll be yours." I responded automatically, grabbing her jacket to pull her in for a kiss.

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