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I let out a moan in pleasure as Ariana slowly kissed my neck, traveling with her kisses down my body. My breathing was getting heavier and I couldn't handle it much longer. The way she touched my body made me feel as if I was on fire, my entire body ignited by just her fingers.

I gasped and twisted around, attempting to stop what was coming..

"You can't deny yourself the pleasure." She whispered in my ear. I could feel it coming, and sure enough; I grabbed onto her, burying my head in her shoulders to muffle the noise. I let out a sigh of relief afterwards, as she fell beside me, naked.

"That was great." She smiled at me, but I glared back. She had done all the work. I didn't like that; I enjoyed doing everything myself. "Come on," She giggled as she climbed on top of me. Her breasts brushed against me. "You enjoyed yourself, and you get to see me naked. You're winning." She kissed me lightly.

"I guess so," I said. I finally took the chance to look around her room. Her bedroom was huge compared to her small kitchen and living room. It was painted a pretty light blue, and her beds sheets were satin and black. She had just one dresser, a bathroom and a small closet in here, and that was it.

I turned my head towards her, smirking.

"Round two?"

I pulled the sheets over us.


"Carter? Is that you?" It was eight pm. I had stayed over at Ariana's. I had just gotten home. My mother's eyes narrowed on me, curious. She was sitting at the kitchen island, flipping through a book. I tried not to laugh as I remembered when I sat there and got interrupted by Ariana.

I squinted at her, the lamp light a bit blinding. "I was at a friends house, sorry." I lied, unsure of what to say.

"And you didn't even bother to call." She sighed. "Andrea said you were at her house? We just thought it was weird that you didn't call, I guess." Her jaw line tensed, and I was nervous for a second that she was on to me.

"Y-Yeah, um," I paused, cocking my head. I tried my best to look innocent. "I forgot my charger, and Andrea has a different version of my phone, plus her house phone wasn't working." My lies just sounded worse. "It was a weird weekend." I finished, feeling my face go crimson.

"Oh, alright. Goodnight, sweetie." I walked past her, a slight smirk on my face. I knew I wasn't going to sleep anytime soon. I climbed up the stairs slowly.

My bed was warm and comfortable, and I slid right in. I still could feel the lingering touches Ariana had left on my body, and I giggled silently as I realized my mom hadn't noticed that I wasn't wearing my own shirt. I had on a blue buttoned up flannel with a pair of Ariana's sweatpants. I closed my eyes, breathing in. I felt like the luckiest person in the world, and no one could bring me down.

My phone rang, bringing me out of my reverie. I reached a hand across my desk to grab it. The screen said no caller I.D, so I rolled my eyes. Couldn't people just call me with their own number? I answered anyway, assuming it was another prank call.

Jessica's voice surprised me. "I thought I told you to leave town. It seems like you just want to make things harder for yourself, don't you?"

I felt myself tense.

"Be ready tomorrow. I'm sure you'll enjoy what I have in store for you." She hung up.

Anger pounding through me, making my head ache. I nearly threw my phone across the room - I wasn't about to let Jessica ruin my life this year, not again. I forced myself to close my eyes.

It was almost three hours later that I fell asleep.


I stood in front of the school, yawning. I had barely caught the bus, Jane wasn't there, and Andrea was ten minutes late.

I heard a car pull up beside me; I slowly turned to see who it was. I jumped when I realized it was Jessica.

"Got my message?" She said, smiling. "Are you wondering where your friends could be. They might not be your friends anymore, now that they know."

"Know what?" I snapped.

"Why should I tell you when you can find out for yourself?"

A stream of curse words that I rarely ever say came spilling out of my mouth, tangled together.

"Aw... poor Carter," She sighed, hopping out of her car. She slammed the door and looked directly in my eyes and I felt a surge of anger pass through me. My hands twitched. "Carter, Carter, Carter. Nobody wants you, so why would they? You should watch what you say to people.Your friends may learn about the real you." She turned and walked away from me. I bit my lip, fighting back the tears that threatened to form in my eyes.

The true me? There was no hidden me, I never li- I stopped the thought. I had lied. About Ariana and I.

But I had never said anything bad about my friends. Why would I ever do that?

Another car door slammed nearby. I turned around quickly. Everyone was going into the building now, and the buses were leaving, one by one. I watched the person help another out of the car, and felt my heart rate speed up when I saw who it was.

Jane and Andrea stood, a couple of feet from me, both glaring. I felt the anger being replaced by fear.

"Seriously?" Jane yelled all the way from across the lawn, launching herself towards me. Andrea looked like she had been crying. I had no idea what Jessica had said to them, but I knew I never did anything to Jane. I stiffened, waiting for the blow.

"Jessica told me how you never loved me, and you regret everything. You told everyone how I was abusive and all this crap. You said all these things," She narrowed her eyes on me. "And yet, you still are lonely. You're pathetic. I wish Ariana had left you. I'm glad I did."

"I-I," I stuttered out, miserable. I couldn't think of any excuses to what she had said - I did say those things about Jane, but that had been so long ago. And it was when we hated each other. Wasn't that a good enough excuse?

"Don't even try to talk yourself out of this." Jane put a hand up, retreating a few steps. Andrea stood beside her, avoiding eye contact. My jaw clenched.

"I don't even want to see y-you a-again." She stuttered, looking at the school instead of at me. "I thought we were friends. She said things I knew were true. Only you could have known those things. " She looked at me, sadly. As if she felt sorry for me. I also saw a trace of something else in her expression, but I wasn't sure of what it could be.

"I never said anything horrible about either of you! Sure, you ruined my life," I looked at Jane. "But.... I did say I regretted it, but it was because I thought you never loved me.." I broke off, my eyes in tears. Andrea looked down at her phone, ignoring me.

"Andrea, I never told anyone your secrets. You have to be an idiot to believe that."

"It's a quarter to nine." Andrea said, ignoring what I said again. "We have to go. Bye." She looked at me one last time, as if I was some stranger. I watched them walk away from me in horror.

It's crazy how fast your entire world can be turned upside down.

I was going to get back at Jessica.

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