The interview

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All day I behaved relaxed but my heart was racing and my mind panicking thinking about the one and only ASRAM KHANNA.

Sara's POV

The day after the letter came I had dinner along with my family. I was unusually quiet and everyone noticed. Everyone tried cheering me up but nothing worked. I just quickly finished my meal and got to my room. I tried sleeping but after sometime I realized that it was no use. Giving up, I just lay there thinking of all the possible things that could happen. All the negative scenario's filled my head. All my past memories with Asram replayed. God please, please I am begging you, please help me tomorrow. While thinking of all this I slowly dozed off to sleep.


The next day I was woken up by my dear bhai, who was screaming in my ears, as though he wanted me to go deaf. I pulled his hair to shut him up, but I did get up and quickly I got ready. After this, I realized that I was running late and quickly wore some formals. I also did light makeup, as I am not too fond of heavy make up.

 I also did light makeup, as I am not too fond of heavy make up

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Hurriedly, I ran down the staircase. My parents were looking at me with bright smiles as they wished me luck. My mother was forcing me to eat something, but I promised her that I would later as I was running horribly late, specially for my first day. She scolded me, but then let me go. My father drove me there on his way to work and asked me to call the driver when I wanted to head back home. He kissed my forehead and asked me to by myself. Then I rushed out and nearly ran up to the reception.

I asked a middle-aged lady the way to Mr.Khanna's office. She smiled kindly and asked me to take the elevator to the top floor. She also sweetly told me to rush, as sir hates all those who are tardy. Oh great! There goes any chance I had at being chosen. Anyways, I quickly went to the elevator and pressed the 30th floor. I got out there and sprinted to the door where, Asram Khanna was written. There was a lady waiting there, apparently one of the receptionists. She asked me to wait till, he calls me in. So I did.

Every second of it, I wanted to run away and escape from here. Just as I about to get up and go back home, his strong authoritative voice said "Come in, Ms.Sharma" I stopped myself, slowly turned around and took tiny steps to the door. I tried to steady my erratic heartbeat, but nothing worked. I slowly opened the door and stepped in. His back was turned towards me as he finished his call.

He slowly turned around, and every thought flew out of my head. His eyes shined as he said "Good morning Sar-uh I mean-Ms. Sharma." I smiled at that and returned the greeting.

He slowly looked over my resume and looked impressed. I wanted to grin, but finally composed. He seemed amused, as though he realized my situation. However, he slowly composed himself and started with the interview. His questions flowed and I answered the best I could, but I never looked into his gorgeous grey orbs. I knew very well that the minute I would look it would be the end of me. A while later, he asked me a question which had me look up straight at him.

"Is the table more interesting then me" at this my head shot up. My cheeks flushed, embarrassed.

"No Asr-uhh I am sorry sir. It is just that I was extremely nervous about this interview"

"Ya I know, Akshita told me. But honestly, you shouldn't be. I am your best friends brother. Just so you know, she would eat me up, even if I am slightly strict with you. She loves you more then me" He said wiping away fake tears and pouting. I wanted to just pinch his cheeks. I was laughing and he smiled back. "See much better right, the atmosphere is brighter."

Just then my phone rang. SHIT I thought. He asked me to check who it was and so I did as asked. Akshita appeared on the screen. I will kill you she thought as she put her phone on silent. A few seconds later, his phone rang. He shook his head but grinned. He showed me the screen and I imitated his actions. He declined it, but it rang again. This time though, he picked it. Akshita started screaming into the phone and he put it away from his ear. She was yelling for him to put it on speaker. Though he didn't need to with her loud voice, he did listen to him.

"Hey babes, I hope bhai is not annoying you or being strict. If he is, just tell me I will set him straight for you. You need not worry, I will eat away all his ice-cream and tell mom that he is troubling you. He won't even be able to walk after that. I promise you. I am extremely sorry bhai, I love you but I love Sara much, much more. At least she is not boring like you. I swear if you recruit her, and influence her, even then I will murder you. Am I clear. Babe he is not annoying right? " I don't know how she said all of this in one breath.

"No, he isn't. He is fine"

"Ok good, bhai I am warning you, you better be on your best behavior. She is my priority, specially over you. Am I clear? " she said faking a strict voice. He mouthed a 'told you' to me and then replied.

"Yes my dear, dear sister I promise you I will take care of your best friend." he replied. This caused a shiver to run down my spine.

"You want me to give her a massage and become her servant or something too?" he added sarcastically. I grinned at their cute relation.

"Now my dear stupid, do you mind disconnecting the call. I happen to be working" At that my mouth split into a huge grin, I just couldn't stop myself.

"Fine, fine. Babe I hope we can meet soon, and bhai you better be home for dinner on time. Mom makes us wait till you come and I absolutely don't want that. Love you both. Byeee"

"Gods! She can scream. Wonder who she got that trait from? Anyways, back to the topic on hand. Ms. Sharma, I believe we are done with this interview, unless you have questions. You will know whether you are chosen or not by tomorrow morning. Should you be chosen all the instructions will be sent to you via email. Thank you for trying out and hope you have a great day" he said again in his formal tone.

"Thank you sir, I do not have any questions. It was a pleasure meeting you. Good day"

"Likewise" he replied and I exited the room

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