The Engagement Party(Last Part)

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Sorry for not updating this whole week. 


I can talk about her all day, but for now, I guess we have to get the party started

Sara's POV

I controlled all my emotions. I knew I should not let idiots like him affect me, so I tried distracting myself. After asking everyone to go back to normal, I walked off the stage after the announcement and made my way towards Asram. He was already looking at me, with a proud smile on his face. 

'Ready to perform?' I asked.

'I was born ready, sweetheart' he said with that fake posh voice. I giggled a little at his voice, but then realized that he called me sweetheart. 

'How many times have I told you, no nicknames?' I asked glaring at him.

'Oh kitten, you really think I will listen to you. Anyways, Akshay and Dhruv also want to perform. They know the steps, I taught it to them in the afternoon. So except for the last song, where it is only the two of us, they will join in for all the others' he informed me. I was very nervous for the last song. I was worried that I would mess up the whole thing by looking at him. 

'Sure they can dance, tell them to get ready in two minutes near the stage. By the way, kitten is the by far the worst' I said before walking to my relatives. I asked everyone who was performing to sit in the group that they were performing and in the order of the performances. Everyone obeyed and quickly settled down. 

I walked to the stage where Asram was waiting with 2 mics in his hand. He motioned a thumbs up indicating that the bride and groom were right outside the door waiting to enter. I motioned for all the lights to be dimmed and the spotlight to be placed at the entrance. 10 seconds later, the door was opened and the star couple came into view. They looked perfect together. I still couldn't believe that my best friend was marrying my brother. This was just perfect. The two of them walked in, still looking at one another. Asram looked at me, with a mischievous look in his eyes. 

WHAT , I mouthed. LET'S HAVE SOME FUN he said in the same way, he eyes pointed towards Adiku. I grinned and nodded.

'Uhmm uhmm' I cleared my throat loudly in the mike. This caused them to look at us. 

'Adi, I get that she is going to be your wife soon, but till then she is my sister, so eyes away' Asram said glaring at him. Bhai seemed to get scared, but then noticed the mischief in his eyes. He grinned and gave a mock salute to which everyone laughed. 

'Hi everyone, Asram and I are your hosts for today.Now, since we have your attention guys, let's have some special performances. Dedicated to you guys' I said.

'First we have our dear parents who want to show you how happy they are for you. So everyone cheer them up as they perform to some beautiful beats' Asram continued. The lights shout for a second before bright lights flashed on the stage at our parents. All of them danced very cutely, enjoying themselves. They were still in love, I wish I have someone to feel this way about, when I am their age. I wish it is Asram. I just realised what I thought. I groaned and finally concluded that I liked him again and there was nothing I could do to get rid of this feeling. Our parents finished their performance with a cute pose. Everyone clapped and cheered them on. They bowed down before walking over to Adiku and hugging both of them. After they settled down there were multiple other performances by many of our relatives. Once all of the finished it was our turn to perform. We had prepared a mashup of 5 upbeat Bollywood songs. Asram, Dhruv, Akshay, Jay and I made our way to the stage. All of us started our performance and I could hear everyone hoot, holler and clap. The surprise on Adi's face at seeing his best friends was worth forgetting all my worries for. He grinned and started dancing at his place. I laughed at that before walking towards Adiku. I pulled both of them onto the stage and made them dance with us. As soon as the dance ended I pulled both of them into a tight hug. I didn't realize that my cordless mic was still attached to my face.

'I want to become an aunt within one year of your marriage, so you two better work accordingly' I whispered, but because of the mic everyone heard it. There was a lot of laughter all around the room. Once the laughter died down, Asram made an announcement.

'Everyone we have one last performance for all of you. It shows the story of Adi and Aku, and how they finally got together. ' he said. Everyone cheered and everyone except Asram and me got off the stage. 

'Ready?' he whispered.

'Hmm' I replied back. The video with pictures and short video clips of Adi and Aku started playing, Asram and I continued telling everyone the story. At the end of it, Asram announced that I would be playing Akshita, while he would play Adi for the next performance. Both of us walked to the centre of the stage and started swaying to the soft beats. We slowly danced to the song. Both of us humming it and following the steps we knew. Asram finally broke the silence.

I found a love for me
Darling, just dive right in
And follow my lead
Well, I found a girl, beautiful and sweet

'I didn't know that you wanted to get married. You could have at least told me. I am very upset' he said as he twirled me around.

I never knew you were the someone waiting for me

'Next time you plan on meeting any guy, your boss will suddenly remember some work and call you to the office, right before your date' he continued. He turned me around such that my back was against his hard chest.

'Cause we were just kids when we fell in love
Not knowing what it was
I will not give you up this time

'But Asram, I don't get it, why would you do that' I asked, confused. His proximity was affecting me too much. My heart was beating faster when he turned me and pulled me closer by the waist.

Darling, just kiss me slow, your heart is all I own
And in your eyes, you're holding mine
Baby, I'm dancing in the dark with you between my arms
Barefoot on the grass, we're listenin' to our favorite song
When you said you looked a mess, I whispered underneath my breath
But you heard it, darling, you look perfect tonight

'Because Jaan, you are only, and only MINE. And I will not let anyone have what is MINE' he whispered in my ears, pulling me even closer. My arms were around his neck, while his were around my waist.  We continued swaying to the music, a comfortable silence between us, despite the conversation that took place.

Well, I found a woman, stronger than anyone I know

She shares my dreams, I hope that someday I'll share her home
I found a love, to carry more than just my secrets
To carry love, to carry children of our own
We are still kids, but we're so in love
Fightin' against all odds
I know we'll be alright this time
Darling, just hold my hand
Be my girl, I'll be your man
I see my future in your eyes
Baby, I'm dancing in the dark, with you between my arms
Barefoot on the grass, listenin' to our favorite song
When I saw you in that dress, looking so beautiful
I don't deserve this, darling, you look perfect tonight
Oh, no, no

'Just remember, you have always been mine and always will be' he whispered as the song ended. Both of us pulled away, I guess with a little reluctance. We bowed and everyone whistled and shouted for us to dance again. A soft blush adorned my cheeks as I hugged Adi and Aku once more, before we made our way to the rest of our family. 

Dad looked at us with a knowing look and I blushed and looked away at that. He walked over and hugged.

'He got jealous of Arun, right?' Dad asked with a smirk. I gasped as I realized what happened.

'You had planned all of this dad?' I asked, still shocked. 

He grinned before whispering, 'Princess, with all the things that have happened recently, he has earned back my trust. You can date him if you wish'

'Dad you know me, and you know about my wish for an arranged marriage, so nope I am not dating him or anyone' I said before. He looked at me with the same mischievous glint Asram had, a while back, before he walked away. I felt someone's gaze on me, looking in that direction, I realized it was Asram. I looked away and walked over to mom and ai. I took the tray with the engagement rings and made my way towards Adiku. 

The rest of the function went by without a glitch. I kept avoiding Asram, who kept following me everywhere with his eyes. I kept blushing, finally my highschool crush liked me and I knew I liked him too. But was I going to do anything about it. The answer was simple


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