I love uni but I hate exams!!!

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'It wasn't an issue. I would have done it even if mom and dad hadn't hired me for it. See you soon. Bye Sara, good night. Also, All the best for your exams' I smiled and then ran of into the house. I saw him leave just as soon as I turned on my bedroom lights turned on. Such a gentleman, I thought dreamily.

Sara's POV

After the dinner that day, I kept thinking about Asram till I fell asleep. I wished that I could think more, but that never happened. From the next morning, I had only one thing in my mind, MY EXAMS. I studied hard, every single day. Most of the days, Akshita came over to study with me. It seemed as though, she had suddenly changed but I knew that this change was only till the exams ended. Still, it was good to see this change.

I simply didn't understand why we had to write exams. Honestly, I love uni but I hate exams. I kept preparing and didn't realize how fast the days had gone by. It was the night before the exams started and I was stressing out. Everyone tried to calm me down, but nothing worked. Akshita tried her best but gave up after a point. She knew it was useless. What was worse was, dad was away for some business meeting and I could reach him right now. As much as I love mom, I am my daddy's girl. He has always been the only one who could calm me down in such situations. Well apart from one other person, but I couldn't expect anything from him. We were not on such good terms. My phone suddenly pinged, curiously I looked at the screen and got the shock of my life looking at the caller. It was as if he heard my thoughts. Thank God, I thought as I slowly picked the phone.

'Hello Asram'

'Hi Sara, thank god you didn't call me sir. I had one long speech prepared that I would give you if you had called me sir. Anyways, how are you. Akshita just told me about your pre-exam panic session. Should I be worried that my PA is going to be hospitalized.' his tone was mischievous and it brought a smile to my face.

'No SIR, you don't need to worry.' I used 'Sir' just to get on his nerves.

He groaned, ' I know that you are doing this just to get on my nerves, so please, shut up'

'But on a serious note. What if I do badly, what if I go blank during the paper, what if I fail?' I poured out all my thoughts to him. Somehow, I couldn't hide it from him.

'None of that rubbish is going to happen. Just pray to god and trust yourself. You have studied hard and will do well. Even if you don't you will continue working for the most successful business man after your father, which is Asram Khanna, Also known as ME' he said as if showing off and also calming me a little.

'Thank you, Asram. Can I be very honest with you?'

'Of course you can, do you even need to ask'

'You might feel that I am stupid, but here goes nothing. You know after all the incidents in our childhood where you would always save me from getting scolded by my parents and even teachers. You somehow became a person who can make me calm down in such situations. Only you or dad can make me calm down. As weird as it may be, Even mom and Bhai can't calm me down. Today dad is unreachable, since he has gone out for a trip. So I was praying that you would call, but I didn't expect it. It was as though you read my mind. Thanks a lot Asram. It really means a lot'

' Oh hush, you do realize that you are just boosting my ego. You know, I miss that time when you would just come up to me or call me randomly at any time and start blabbering about whatever was in your mind. Now you were worried about telling me. Things really have changed and you S,I think you have gone mad. It's okay, you can call me whenever you wish. You better not think twice, if I ever find out that you did think twice before calling me, I swear to you, I will tickle you to death. Also, I am glad that I can still calm you down. I thought you hated me.'

'Thanks a lot once again, now I must get some sleep. After all, I have got to pass these exams to ensure that I get a good job and I can get rid of you.' I said jokingly

'You never will get rid of me, not now, not even after you die. I promise that I will always be there to annoy you. But, yes, good night. You will do well in your exams. Don't worry about it. Sleep well, goodnight' he replied back confidently.

'Yes, good night '

'Bye' he said softly and disconnected the call. I smiled wide, jus then I saw someone by my door.

DAD. OMG lucky me. I grinned even wider and ran up to him and hugged him tight. He hugged me back just as tight. When I finally let go of him, he looked me with a raised eyebrow and asked 'Who was the guy you were talking to? He seems to be taking my place. I don't think I have ever seen you smile so much, except when you talk to me. From what I heard of the conversation you are pretty comfortable around him. Can I please know the guy who makes my princess so happy.' I looked at dad's pout and laughed. But then I told him. I could never hide something from dad. I remember we used to sit together every Valentine's and read all the cheesy love letter's I used to get. I remember us laughing like hyena's, at one point, he had fallen of the bed laughing.

'Dad, it was Asram'

' Asram, as in Asram Khanna, Akshita's brother, my best friend's son. The one who hurt you all through highschool. I didn't know that you'll had sorted everything out. I mean I am glad, but I still am a little wary after how much I saw you cry because of him. Why were you even talking to a guy so late in the night?Dear, do you like him? Are you both dating? Were you in contact with him before your interview? What is going on Sara, please fill me in, I am so damn confused'

'Dad, one question at a time.' I said laughing a bit.

'First, yes the Asram Khanna your are thinking of. Second, yes we did talk it out and though we are not completely back to normal, he has been so nice to me. He has really changed. He apologized for his behavior then and explained to me that he did this because of some peer pressure back then and he went away before he could actually sort stuff out. Dad about talking to him so late in the night. I called you but you didn't pick up. You know how I tell you, only you and one more person can calm me down. I never told you who, well it was Asram. You remember when we were little, he used to always save me from anything and everything. He always took the blame for anything I did. Dad I trusted him, even when we were on bad terms. Everything flows easily when I am with him. But honestly dad, I didn't call him. I don't think that we are in terms where I can call him whenever I want. But it was like God heard my prayer, just as I was thinking about him and how he could calm me down he called. After which, we just spoke a little and you came. Next, we are NOT dating' I emphasized on the not.
'Yet' my father muttered, clearly worried. The creases on his forehead were a clear sign.
'Dad why are you worrying so much, everything will be fine and stop muttering please. What did you you mutter anyways'
'Nothing dear, continue '
'Moving to your last question, no I didn't have any contact with him before the interview.'
'Alright dear, I think the interrogation for today is over. But this conversation is not over. Am I clear. Now go to sleep, you are going to go there tomorrow and give the exams your best. '
'Good night daddy'
'Good night dear' with that he shut the lights and went out.
The next day onwards, everything went so fast, soon the exams were over. I was quite confident that I had done well. I really needed to thank Asram and dad for the confidence they had in me.

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