Dress shopping and Ms.Tomato cheeks

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'Mom, dad, aunty and uncle I love all of you, but can the youngsters go separately, please' Aku pouted knowing that no one could resist her puppy face. All of them shrugged and agreed. All of us sat together for a little more time and enjoyed ourselves. We had dinner together and then got home. I was very excited about their Engagement, it will be a lot of fun.

Sara's POV

I woke up in the morning, excited to shop for Aku and bhai's engagement. I just couldn't wait. I quickly woke up everybody at home and instructed them to get ready and did the same myself. I realized that it was quite early and no one in the Khanna house would be up yet. I decided to wake them up too. First I called on their landline, but no one picked up the call. Next I called up Asram, since I was in a mood to annoy him. He didn't pick up the first time. I called him up 2 more times, but he still didn't pick up. I didn't give up though. I called one more time, luckily he did pick up the call.

'What is your problem S' he said in his morning voice, it sounded husky and sent a shiver down my spine, but I ignored it.

'I knew you wouldn't be awake. Get ready fast, we have to go shopping' I screamed.

'Chill out S, I will get ready, but we went shopping last week' he replied calmly.

'Oh shut up. What are you doing? Please say you are out of your bed, or so help me god, I will come there and break your bones. Then after attaching them, I will make you change your clothes and take you shopping' I threatened and then realized what I said.

'Oh is that so. Then I am getting back to my bed. I didn't know that you were so interested in changing my clothes. You could have directly asked, you didn't need to threatened me. You know I would never say no to you'

'Ash, please shut up. I didn't mean it in that way. I meant that I will make sure that you change your clothes and then take you shopping. Anyways, get ready quickly. You better not go back to sleep Ash, or you will see my bad side' I reiterated my threat.

'Oh sweetheart, I won't get any sleep now, not possible after this talk. Anyways, don't get so desperate. I am really telling you, you don't need any excuses to see me shirtless, you just have to ask'

'ASRAM ARJUN KHANNA, shut up. Do you get it. I didn't mean it in that way, and stop this behaviour. See you later, bye'

'Bye sweetheart' I shut my phone and looked in the mirror to see my face. I could have been a part of the REDDEST TOMATO contest. My face was glowing, literally. Oh god! That guy. I pushed his thoughts out of my head and made my way to wardrobe. I got ready in my clothes for the day and made my way to the living room. Everyone else was also ready, so we made our way to the mall.

The Khanna's reached a few minutes before us and so they were waiting for us when we reached. Everyone greeted each other, but I couldn't look up and face Asram. My cheeks were burning red. Aku seemed to notice and raised an eyebrow. I shook my head and looked away. I could feel his eyes on me and that didn't help the blush on my cheeks. Soon everyone decided to go separate ways. This left me with only the youngsters. Aku and bhai were too busy being all lovey-dovey. J was talking to Ash and was replying, but I could still feel his gaze on me. Once we reached an ethnic boutique called 'R.S.S.' we got in, The collection was amazing and Akshita tried multiple different lehengas, while we all yaay'd and nayy'd. She finally chose a lehenga. It looked gorgeous on her. The boys decided to go look for something for Jay. So I decided to try out a lehenga I had liked when we were looking for Aku's clothes. I quickly rushed to the dressing room and tried the dress. The lehenga was peach and gold. The combination was beautiful. It fit me like a sleeve, as if it was made for me. I walked out of the dressing room and called Aku. She asked me to come to the other side of the dressing room. When I got there, I saw Adi bhai and Aku. So I did a twirl and asked them about their opinion.

'Well, if I was a guy, I would definitely go crazy looking at you. Specially right now, you look gorgeous' Aku said jumping up and down. 'You have to get this one'

'You look like a girl, Princess. Today I have to say, you really have grown up. You might as well take this on recording, cause I will never say it again, YOU LOOK VERY GOOD and you have to get this lehenga set.

'I agree, sweetheart you look beautiful. You have to get this. Also, I had to talk to you about something' Asram smirked.'Something that had happened this morning...I can remind you in case you forgot.' he said this while fiddling with his shirt button. My cheeks flushed red and I looked down.

'Uh, no thanks. Also, I might think of talking to you, if you stop using that nickname. I think S is fine' I said after calming myself down.'

'Okay fine, your choice then. I can talk to you while you change back into your normal clothes too.' he wiggled his eyebrows mischievously.

I rolled my eyes before gesturing for him to follow me. Once we were out of the hearing distance of everyone else, I asked him 'What'

'Oh nothing darling. You wanted to see me shirtless this morning and I am just going to fulfill your wish'

'Oh goodness, can't you understand. I didn't mean it in that way.' I whacked him on his head while saying that. Why couldn't this man understand. Or had he made it his mission to turn me into a tomato.

'Now that we are done talking, please go back to everyone so that I can change peacefully. And if you ever talk about this again, I will kill you' I threatened before entering the changing room. What was this man doing to me. His behaviour and attention was making me fall for him AGAIN. I didn't want my heart broken. So I had to stay away from him. Yes, I will stay away from him. After that, the day passed by quite quickly, with me avoiding him and him trying to gain my attention. Other then that it was uneventful, though everyone did get their clothes for the Engagement next week.

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