Going to the Big Apple

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'Ok baba. I'll go pack. Asram, let's meet back here in 2 hours or so and then go to the airport' she said to me before walking to her room. I left after hugging Jay and waving everyone goodbye. 


 A while later, both of them got ready and met up at the Sharma's place. They bade farewell to everyone in their family before they left. Sara was blushing and Asram smirked looking at her face. Annoying her was one of his favourite past times. 

'Why are you looking like a blushing tomato. Not that I don't like it, but what's the reason?' Asram asked moving closer to her ear to whisper. 

'Nothing' she stuttered. 

'Is that so, sweetheart?' he whispered again.

'Ash, yes it is. Now don't annoy me or I will beat you up' she said furiously, all riled up.

'There, my normal Sara is back. As much as I like you all shy and blushing, I prefer this Sara. Now madam, if you could please get into this car so we can go to New York. I won't mind standing here bickering with you all night. But can we please show that  RIYA GANATRA her place first. Then we have our whole lives to bicker' he said. She nodded with a slight pink tinting her cheeks. Asram opened the door for her before moving to the other side. The driver drove them to the airport and they sat in a comfortable silence all the way. Both of them were busy in their own thoughts thinking about the long day they had. 

In about half an hour they reached the airport. They got through immigration and all the other procedures immediately. Soon, they got done with all of the things and into the plane, the 'KHANNA'S JET' 

The plane was amazing and Sara was looking around, she remembered travelling on it once before, when she went for a trip with all the Khanna's except Asram. Everything was the same. Both of them settled down in a few minutes and were ready to leave. The pilot gave out all the instructions before the flight took off. Asram removed his laptop, and started working as soon as the seatbelt sign went off. Mr. Bossy Workoholic, Sara thought grumpily. 

'Seriously, you never stop working, do you?' Sara asked grumpily. He shut the laptop and then turned to look at her.

'Alright, I won't work right now. Let's talk, love' he said sweetly knowing she was bored and irritated. 

'Tell me about yours and Riya's story' she asked the question she had wanted to ask since she got the call from the man heading the New York office in Asram's absence. He chuckled softly.

'Why? Jealous?' he asked her teasingly.

'NO' she replied immediately. She blushed crimson, before looking at the flooring, which suddenly seemed very interesting. 

'Alright, I'll tell you. But honestly, you don't have to be jealous, the only thing I feel for her is a lot of hate. So, we were studying together at Uni and she seemed like a sweet, shy girl. Over a period of time, I thought she was like you. Somehow, I used to always compare girls to you, I didn't even realize why I used to do that. Slowly we became friends and started going out. We dated for a while. On our one year anniversary, I wanted to surprise her, so I went to her place at midnight, only to find her making out with my enemy. Both of them were happily talking and laughing about how I was a fool and how she was using me. By then, I had already started working at the New York office and she had come along with me multiple times. The employees all knew that the two of us were together. Anyways back to the story. I confronted her and dumped her. After that, it was the final examinations, so I kept studying. Later, after finishing the exams I came back to India, so I never went back to the office. Which is the main reason for all of this chaos. Look she may try to cause problems between us when we get there. Please don't listen to anything she has to say and come to me if you have any question. I don't care however awkward it might be. I can't lose you because of her. Please trust me' he said pleadingly, with a lot of care and love at the end. His anger dissipated seeing her smile. 

'Don't worry, I trust you. But so help me god, if she takes even one step towards you and I will break every bone in her body' Sara threatened.

'Already so possessive about me love' he whispered,winking at her. He was happy seeing his fiance's possessive side. His fierce little tigress. She blushed beautifully and turned her face away from him, realizing her outburst. 

'Don't worry, I don't mind. You could be my personal bodyguard whenever she is around. But for now you need to sleep love. The flight is really long and you might end up jet-lagged if you don't get some sleep now' he said caringly.

'But what about you?' she replied in the same tone. 

'I am used to pulling all-nighters, I'll be fine. Go to sleep S. I need my personal bodyguard to be fresh tomorrow' saying that he gave her a small kiss on her forehead. She blushed and whispered a soft good night, before making her way to one of the inflight rooms. He smiled, his eyes following her, till she was no longer in sight. He focused back on work, knowing that the next few days were going to be tough for both of them. It would test their trust and love. He was ready to face it all. He knew that him and Sara were made for each other.



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