Telling the KHANNA'S

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 I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her. I would talk to my parents soon


After talking to Aku I felt better. I had a tiny little hope that she liked me too. I got to office, completed my meeting and made my way back home. I decided that I would tell my parents about her tonight, I couldn't wait any longer. Soon it was time for dinner, all of us sat peacefully and had our dinner together. Just as we were finishing, I couldn't hold back any longer.

'Mom, dad I want to get married' I said. This led to dad choking and mom pinching herself. Akshita just sat there laughing her heart out at our over-dramatic family.

'You what!!!!!!' mom screeched. I was sure even Sara would have heard her scream. 

'Mom you heard me' I replied casually. She just pounced on me, squeezing the life out of me. She was too strong to be a fifty-five year old.

'Who is she? Are you both dating? Have you proposed? When can I meet her? You better not be getting married for a business deal young man' she kept shooting at me.

'Mom, breathe in, breathe out. I will answer all your questions' I said to my over-excited mother. 

'Mom, her name is Sara Sharma. As in Akshita's best friend, Adi's lil sis and  your dear 'daughter'. Also my PA. No we are not dating nor have I proposed her. But I think I love her and I want to marry her, no business deal' I said calmly.

'Oh my god, Sara will officially be my daughter. Arjun, call Rushan bhai (Sara's father) and tell him that we are coming over to their place for lunch tomorrow morning to discuss something important. You can hint towards the proposal but don't tell him everything. Now go, what are you sitting for' my mom said excitedly. She hugged me once more before rushing off, talking to herself about how they would have the roka tomorrow itself. I chuckled at that, she was more excited then me. Honestly, I was nervous. I was worried that she no longer liked me and would reject the proposal. I would accept that if that made her happy, but I know it would break me. I made a resolve that if she did reject me, I would fly away to New York and work from there. I would go away from her life. 

'She won't say no. Don't worry bhai' Akshita said putting her hand on my shoulder. This calmed me down a little. I smiled softly at her. How come I didn't realize that my lil sis had grown up soo much. The little girl who used to once cry even if I just took a small piece of chocolate from her, was now advicing me about my life. I just hugged her and said thanks before going to my room. 

I lay there for hours thinking about tomorrow before I fell into a sleep full of dreams of Sara. The girl I promised to protect, to trust and to love.


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