He WHAT!!!

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'Thank you' I beamed happily, I had been a little nervous about whether he would like the write up or not. A few minutes later we reached home.

Sara's POV

Asram rang the bell and we waited. I was feeling extremely restless, the thoughts of him entered my mind again. Everywhere his hands had touched me, and how scared I had been. Everything came rushing back into my head and I couldn't control myself. Tears poured out of my eyes without me realizing it. Asram pulled me into him and held me tight. I felt safe and tried slowing down my heartbeat. I heard the door open, and I slowly turned back. Looking at my father, I let go Asram's support and ran into my father's open arms. I hugged him tight, and he held me just as tight. I just continued crying into his chest. Why did this have to happen to me? Why ?

"What happened sweetheart?" My father asked softly.

"He...scared.....bad...he.." my words were all coming out jumbled. Asram sighed, looking extremely worried. That was when my father remembered his presence. Dad asked him to come in.

"Uncle, Sara is in no state to explain everything to you. Can we all just sit down and then I will explain everything" Dad nodded quietly and led me to living room. Jay was sitting and doing his home work. Bhai seemed to be helping him. Just then maa walked out of the kitchen. Looking at my state, she immediately rushed to me and hugged me tight. This caught bhai and Jay's attention. As soon as mom pulled away, Asram pulled her aside and told her something. She nodded and rushed back to the kitchen.

"Sara, sit down please. You don't have any energy" For once I listened to him and did as he had said. Mom walked in just then with a tray full of sweet food and a glass of orange juice. She forced me to eat, even though I couldn't think of digesting a bite, I agreed and she slowly fed me. Asram asked everyone else to sit down as well. He softly told everyone about everything that had happened today. Bhai and Dad were fuming. Mom was crying and hugging me, not letting me breathe. Jay looked so confused. Asram assured dad and bhai that he had beaten the crap out of Manav even after he was unconscious. He also informed them that he had been fired and blacklisted. Lastly, he was going to be in jail at least for the next 20 years. Turns out, Asram had some information of him doing some fraud, but he had not informed the police. He had now told them everything to ensure that Manav stays away from my life.

Both of them seemed to calm down a little. But Jay thought that I was crying because of Asram. So he slowly walked there, none of us realized since we were quite busy talking. That is when we heard a soft sound. All of us turned to see that Jay had punched Asram. Of course it didn't hurt him but I got up and went to my brother. I wanted to know what was up with him. He looked the most angry, I had ever seen him. I kneeled down and looked at Jay, slowly pulling him towards me.

"Jay, why did you hit Asram?'

"Ra di, He made you cry. I can't see you cry. You know when I was a small boy, you used to sleep beside me at night. You didn't realize I was awake and I saw you cry and sometimes you used to talk even in your sleep about some Asram. Later, I realized it was Bhai's best friend but before I could punch him for making you cry, he went away. Now he came back and see you are crying di. I love you and I don't want you to cry di. I love you" He cried as I held him tightly. God, I am so lucky to have this little angel, even though he did announce to everyone, including Asram, that I used to cry because of him.

"I love you to J, you are the best. I may have cried because of him earlier, but today he saved me from some bad guy. That man was hitting me and he helped me. He punched that man and put him in jail. He helped me. Now, my sweet prince, can you say sorry to him." I explained to him as simply as I could. He looked very guilty.

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