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We are now back at home... We are both sitting at the couch and no one has spoken up yet... This is seriously an important issue, and the atmosphere can't be more tense...

-Sungjoon: Are you hungry? It's already time for lunch...
-Nayeon: Yeah... I want to eat something...
-Sungjoon: Okay, I'll order pizza, is that okay with you?
-Nayeon: Yeah, sounds really good...

I then grab my phone and start ordering, Nayeon seems to be in blank... And I am too... I don't know what are we going to do and what's going to happen from now on...

-Sungjoon: It'll be here in a half hour...
-Nayeon: Okay, that's fine...
-Sungjoon: Uhm, Nayeon...
-Nayeon: It's my baby, Sun... I can't kill him because of someone else's mistake, do you understand?
-Sungjoon: Yeah, I understand... (looks down) But I'm thinking about what does it mean... I mean, you'll need to probably leave your studies? And if you do that, you'll need to leave this dorm... (sighs)

-Sungjoon: I don't want to put pressure on you

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-Sungjoon: I don't want to put pressure on you... But you must take the future into account...
-Nayeon: I guess that I'll leave this place soon... (smiles and looks down) It was great having you as a roommate...
-Sungjoon: But you don't have money enough to move, Nayeon... I still think that it would be better for you to-
-Nayeon: (glares at you) I'm the one who's going to give birth, so I'm the one deciding too... Don't try to persuade me, please...
-Sungjoon: Fine, do whatever you want...
-Nayeon: Sun... Will you keep this secret?
-Sungjoon: Hmm? Of course... If you want it to be secret, then it'll be a secret... (smiles) Don't worry...
-Nayeon: I don't want anyone to know that I was raped... Maybe that'll make people reject me... (looks down)
-Sungjoon: You don't need to worry, in case that happened, I would be by your side... (smiles)
-Nayeon: You would?
-Sungjoon: Yeah well, you said that that was the only thing I would need to do as your friend, right? (smiles)
-Nayeon: (chuckles) Thank you, thanks for remembering that... And also for bringing me today to the doctor... I'll pay for it, just wait, okay?
-Sungjoon: You don't need too (smiles) It's okay, I said I would pay for it and that's all... Well (gets up) You have two more weeks to decide what to do... After that, everyone will notice that your tummy grew...
-Nayeon: I want to assist class for at least one more week... And later on, I'll decide what to do... I want to see the girls before I leave...
-Sungjoon: Okay, I understand... If that's what you want... (smiles)
-Nayeon: Thanks for understanding Sun (smiles)

Soon the pizza delivery arrived, and then we had lunch. Since we have still some time until I leave to my work, we decide to watch a movie... She falls asleep soon... I guess that the news about her being preggy, left her exhausted...

-Sungjoon: (sighs) I'll help you Nayeon... Don't worry (smiles)

-Time skip until the weekend-

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-Time skip until the weekend-

Today I'll meet my girlfriend Sana, I wonder if she had forgiven me already... I hope so. The things between us have been kinda tense since she started suspecting about Nayeon and I, and my jealously increased when she is with Mark...

-Sana: Sun oppa~ (smiles) Have you been waiting for too long? (chuckles)
-Sungjoon: Uh... No, I haven't (smiles)
-Sana: Great, let's enjoy our date today... (smiles and holds your hand)

We start walking around, and Sana just acts all bubbly and adorable trying to catch my attention... She's seriously pretty, anyone would fall for her... I'm really glad that she chose me as her boyfriend...

-Sungjoon: Sana...
-Sana: Hmm? (smiles) What is it?
-Sungjoon: Do you love me?
-Sana: Oppa... (chuckles) Of course I do~
-Sungjoon: Honestly?
-Sana: Yeah! (smiles) What happens? Are you doubting my love for you?
-Sungjoon: I don't know... Things between us have been quite tensed lately, and I was worried about us... Sometimes, I thought that we were even going to-
-Sana: (puts a finger on your lips) Don't even say it... (smiles) My love for you is that big, that no matter what happens... We'll never break up... Sun, I love you. I really do...
-Sungjoon: Cool... Everything is good now... (smiles) Yeah, I actually feel much better...
-Sana: (hugs you) Oppa, let's go to your apartment... (smirks)
-Sungjoon: Eh? My apartment?
-Sana: Yeah, what kind of college's students would we be if we didn't have that kind of fun? (smirks)

-Sungjoon: Can't we head to your house and we'll see? Nayeon is back at home and I think that it would bother her if--Sana: You know that I'm still living with my parents

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-Sungjoon: Can't we head to your house and we'll see? Nayeon is back at home and I think that it would bother her if-
-Sana: You know that I'm still living with my parents... (smiles) It must be in your apartment, and if we bother Nayeon... Well, she can just put on something on her ears (srughs) Let's go? (holds hands with you)
-Sungjoon: Yeah, let's go...

We are now heading back to my apartment... Oh gosh... Nayeon I'm really sorry, I know that you don't like Sana at all, and that having her at home will probably bother you a lot. I'm sorry, really sorry.

-Time skip until you arrive to your apartment-

-Sungjoon: (opens the door)
-Nayeon: Sun, you are back! (smiles)
-Sana: Yeah, but he's not alone... (smirks and pulls your arm) C'mon, oppa... Let's head to your room...
-Sungjoon: Y-Yeah...

I look at Nayeon who's glaring at me with a questioning look, I srugh at her since this is all because of Sana... And I swear to God, that I can't say "no" to her... I mean, is there someone who can?

-Sungjoon: This is my room...
-Sana: You are not hiding any erotic stuff, right Sun? (smirks)
-Sungjoon: Why would I?
-Sana: Well, you probably had some wild fantasies with me, right?
-Sungjoon: Wild... (blushes) Fantasies?!
-Sana: I'll take that as a yes (chuckles) Don't worry Sun, I'm actually ready for whatever you have on mind... But first, take a shower, okay? (smiles)
-Sungjoon: Yeah... (gulps and heads to the bathroom)

What am I doing?! I took a shower before meeting her, why the hell am I showering again?! Ugh... Anything that Sana wants, Sana gets... There's no one who can break that law...

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TAKE CARE, BABY - NAYEON X MALE READER Where stories live. Discover now