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-Time skip some days later-

-Sungjoon: Seriously, it's a bother the fact that the principal doesn't allow you to stay longer in the dorm (while carrying boxes)
-Nayeon: I know, but there's nothing else I can do here anyway... I'll have a baby and that means that I won't be able to assist to college... It does make sense, this way you'll be able to get another roommate who will surely assist... (srughs) Take it as a chance for you to get a better roommate... (smiles weakly)
-Sungjoon: Well, my new roommate will never be as troublesome as you are... I guess that I'll be able to have a peaceful life from now on... (joking)
-Nayeon: Aw you meanie, you could had keep it to yourself until I wasn't here... (pouts)
-Sungjoon: (chuckles) You know, I'm bored when I'm way too peaceful... So, I'm happy that I had you as a roommate for at least some months... (smiles)

-Nayeon: (tearing) I promised myself that I wouldn't cry

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-Nayeon: (tearing) I promised myself that I wouldn't cry...
-Sungjoon: (smiles and pats her head) C'mon, let's put this boxes at the back and I'll drive you to your house...
-Nayeon: Yeah, once again, thanks Sun... (smiles)
-Sungjoon: No biggie (smiles)

We enter the car and I start the machine... I put on some music so the we keep a happy vibe... And start driving towards my new apartment. It's a surprise for Nayeon...

-Nayeon: Sun... (looking through the window)
-Sungjoon: Yeah?
-Nayeon: This is not the way to my house...
-Sungjoon: (chuckles) I know... Don't worry, I'll show you something that you'll like.
-Nayeon: I don't know if I like surprises when it comes to be inside the cars... (starts to panic)
-Sungjoon: Keep calm, look we are already here... (smiles and parks) Let's go!
-Nayeon: Where are we going? (confused)

Nayeon then starts following and we enter a really tall building. We then get inside the elevator and press the seventh floor... Nayeon will be amused.

-Nayeon: Where are we heading?
-Sungjoon: Well, this is what I talked about with my father... I told you that you would have news soon... (smiles) I'm glad to introduce you to our new apartment...
-Nayeon: Woah! Wait- "Our"?
-Sungjoon: Yeah, well... You'll see, I had some problems with some stalkers and I needed to move anyway... And I thought that it would be great to have a roommate... So, if you want to stay, I would be really glad... (smiles)
-Nayeon: But Sun, I can't accept this... I mean, I have nothing to offer you back, I can't pay for this place...
-Sungjoon: You don't need to pay, wait... Actually, there's something that I would like... (smiles)
-Nayeon: W-What is it?
-Sungjoon: Since I will still have a seriously busy schedule... I would like to have handmade food... (smiles shyly) If you could cook for me... That would be enough...
-Nayeon: Are you serious?

-Sungjoon: Yeah, that would be totally enough

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-Sungjoon: Yeah, that would be totally enough... (smiles) So, what do you say? Would you stay here with me?
-Nayeon: (smiles) I will... Thank you Sungjoon...
-Sungjoon: (chuckles) I knew you would say yes, so I have sent all your boxes to your room...
-Nayeon: (giggles) Great, you can see the future now...
-Sungjoon: (smiles) But Nayeon, I think that you should visit your parents anyway...
-Nayeon: Yeah, they must know about this... (looks down)

Suddenly, someone rings our bell... I wonder who is it right now... I mean, no one knows that I'm here... Wait, did actually a stalker follow me until here?!

-Sungjoon: Wait, I'll use the camera to know who is it... Maybe it's a stalker...
-Nayeon: I'll be unpacking meanwhile... (smiles and heads to her room)

I use the camera and spot Sana... How the hell does she know that we are here? I don't remember telling her that I moved here... I just told her that I would move, but not the address...

-Sungjoon: Nayeon, I need to attend some issues... Keep unpacking meanwhile...
-Nayeon: (from her room) Okay!

I grab my keys and head to the street where Sana is waiting... Damn it, everytime she appears something happens, I'm starting to feel afraid...

-Sungjoon: Sana?
-Sana: Oppa! (rushes to you and kisses you) C'mon, help me with this...
-Sungjoon: Help you... With what?
-Sana: My boxes... (smiles) I know, this is a dream come true for you... But I've been thinking about it, and starting to live together would be a great idea...
-Sungjoon: Live together? (surprised)
-Sana: (chuckles) It's fantastic, right?
-Sungjoon: It's not possible...
-Sana: What are you talking about honey? (smiles)

-Sana: What are you talking about honey? (smiles)

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-Sungjoon: Well... The thing is that I really appreciate your intentions, but I already have a roommate... So it won't be possible... (smiles) I'll help you to bring your boxes back-
-Sana: (serious) Who's the roommate?
-Sungjoon: Eh? (smiles nervously)
-Sungjoon: (mumbling) Nayeon...
-Sana: Who? Say it out loud and clear, please... (pissed)
-Sungjoon: Nayeon.
-Sana: (gasps) You... You are stupid or your brain doesn't receive enough blood?! How the hell are you going to live with her alone?! I'm your girlfriend!
-Sungjoon: Yeah, but it was your fault that everyone knew about her being pregnant and that's why we had to move... (srughs) Actually, this is what I call karma...
-Sana: Not karma, stupidity is what it is... (sighs) You know what, I don't want to argue with you right now... But you are warned, don't think that I'm not affected because of this...
-Sungjoon: C'mon babe-
-Sana: Don't babe me! From now on I'm just Minatozaki Sana, the awesome and beautiful girlfriend that you are ignoring for a slut! Open your eyes, you idiot!
-Sungjoon: (sighs) You are the one who needs to open the eyes... Nayeon is not a slut. And she's been having this much problems because of you...
-Sana: Shes trying to steal you, why can't you see it?!
-Sungjoon: Sana you are acting like a psycho, please calm yourself... I think that you need to think about it... Return back home, and once you think that we can talk as adults, call me and we'll talk... But now you are just saying nonsense (leaves)

TAKE CARE, BABY - NAYEON X MALE READER Where stories live. Discover now