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I wake up soon and head to college, while walking, I hear everyone mumbling about the same stuff... I wonder what's the new stupid rumor...

I keep on walking heading to my class, when suddenly, Momo appears... She looks worried, I wonder what's going on with her...

-Sungjoon: Good morning... (smiles)
-Momo: We need to talk, Sun (pulls your arm and drags you to the rooftop)
-Sungjoon: What happens, Momo?
-Momo: How can you ask me so? Sana uploaded a pic with some documents saying that Nayeon is pregnant... Are those rumors true?
-Sungjoon: Agh, those are the rumors that everyone is talking about... (looks down) Yeah, it's true. Nayeon is pregnant...
-Momo: What?! (surprised)

-Sungjoon: (sighs) She wanted to keep it secret but I guess that Sana took a pic of the documents and uploaded them while I was taking a shower

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-Sungjoon: (sighs) She wanted to keep it secret but I guess that Sana took a pic of the documents and uploaded them while I was taking a shower... This is all my fault... (looks down) I should had been more careful about it...
-Momo: B-But... Who's the father?! Don't tell... Are you cheating on Sana?! Sun I didn't expect you to-
-Sungjoon: I am not cheating! I would never! I love Sana more than anything in this world... (sighs)
-Momo: Who's the father, then?
-Sungjoon: Hmm... I think that's something that you should ask Nayeon, I am no one to tell... Sorry...
-Momo: It's okay, actually... The girls and I were planning to visit her after school...
-Sungjoon: Okay... Well, now we should head back to class, don't you think?
-Momo: Sun...
-Sungjoon: Hmmm?
-Momo: Take care, I don't know why, but I have a feeling that this is just the start... You should take care...
-Sungjoon: (smiles) Don't worry Momo... I'll take care.
-Momo: I'm just telling you because you are a public figure... You are a model, and I don't know how this kind of rumors could actually affect you...
-Sungjoon: This rumors will be here until next week... I'll make sure to stop them, I already have a plan (smiles)
-Momo: Okay, I'll trust you... (smiles) Oh, and one more thing... Take care of Nayeon, I know that you are only interested in Sana, but Nayeon is someone who needs to be protected...
-Sungjoon: I'm Nayeon's friend, I promised her to stay by her side from now on... Don't worry, I'll take care of her too... (smiles and leaves)

God damn it... I can't belive that Nayeon will have all of this problems because I argued with Sana. I'm sure that she did this as a revenge... Damn it, I need to talk with my father as soon as possible...

-Time skip to lunch break-

I head to my usual spot, where Sana is already waiting for me... What should I do? Should I get mad at her for doing this, when the mistake was mine for making her jealous?

-Sana: Sun~ Where were you? (pouts) I started missing you...
-Sungjoon: Sorry, I had to talk with Mr. Lee... (starts eating)
-Sana: Next time, don't make me wait, you know that I don't like it... (smiles)
-Sungjoon: Yeah, I'll text you next time...
-Sungjoon: (stops eating) What? (drinks water)
-Sana: You are acting a little bit cold towards me lately...
-Sungjoon: Huh? I am not, I am like always...
-Sana: Don't lie! You are getting away from me... (fake crying) That bitch of Nayeon, she won't only ruin your image, she'll take you too... I feel seriously betrayed!
-Sungjoon: Hey Sana, keep calm... I don't think you should call her bitch when you don't know what she's been going through... (keeps on eating)

-Sana: Do you see it?! I'm the victim here! I'm losing my boyfriend

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-Sana: Do you see it?! I'm the victim here! I'm losing my boyfriend... I can feel how my heart is breaking apart because of you... (starts crying)
-Sungjoon: Hey, why are you crying? I'm telling you that Nayeon doesn't have to do anything here... This is something between you and me, I apologize if I did something wrong... But I don't want you to keep on bothering her... (sighs)
-Sana: Why are you defending her? You were not like this before...
-Sungjoon: Nayeon is my friend, that's all (srughs)
-Sana: I don't like it... I feel like you are forgetting about me...
-Sungjoon: I am not, I'm here with you (smiles) Sana, you know that you are the only one for- (someone's calling you) Oh, sorry... I need to pick up...
-Sana: I wonder who is it now (rolls her eyes)

Me: Yeah?
Dad: Sun, have you called me?
Me: Yeah, actually I wanted to meet you this weekend... I need to talk with you about something really important...
Dad: Okay, sure... I'll ask my secretray for a free moment so we can talk...
Me: Thanks Dad, it's seriously important...
Dad: See you this Saturday son
Me: Yeah, see you (hangs up)

-Sana: Is it her? (pissed)
-Sungjoon: It's my father... (smiles) I need to talk with him since I'm thinking about moving to my own apartment...
-Sana: (surprised) You mean your own house out of the college's dorm?!
-Sungjoon: Yeah, exactly (smiles)
-Sana: Why so suddenly?!
-Sungjoon: My apartment is way too small, I need a bigger one for all my stuff... That's all... (lying)
-Sana: I see... It's perfect, I mean it's a seriously great idea... (smiles) This way you'll stop living with her... You'll finally be totally mine again... (chuckles)
-Sungjoon: You should eat, our lunch break time won't last forever...
-Sana: Sure~ (smiles) I love you Sun!

-Sungjoon: Yeah, I love you too Sana (smiles)

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-Sungjoon: Yeah, I love you too Sana (smiles)

Oh Sungjoon... You probably don't know, but you'll make the things easier for me with this decision... Now that you'll live by yourself, I'll propose you to live together. And that way, I'll control you totally...

Plus, I would have the house alone while he's working at the agency and I could be able to bring Mark... It's a perfect plan, thanks Sungjoon. Your stupidity will make my life a roses path...

-Sana: When are you moving?
-Sungjoon: Soon, I need to talk with my dad this weekend...
-Sana: Okay, tell me when you do, okay? (smiles)
-Sungjoon: Yeah...

Good, I can't wait to tell Mark about this...

TAKE CARE, BABY - NAYEON X MALE READER Where stories live. Discover now