Chapter 1

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| Jimin's POV |

I flutter my eyes open to see a white ceiling with butterflies over them. I rub my eyes and sniff, sitting up to see my alarm clock.

7:40 a.m.

I groan and stand up, stretching my sore limps after dancing so much. I crack my neck and head to my closet to find something to where to school.


I run downstairs and sit at the dining table. I grab my toast and munch on it, fast. I almost choke when my mom gives me pancakes.

"Eomma, I am going to be late!!" I whine. She rolls her eyes and scoots them over to me. I groan and have a quick bite and leave the table, going to the door for my shoes and bags.

"Hon, Tae is coming over tonight right? To spend the night?" Eomma asks. I nod and smile at her.

"He will come home with me, why?" She bites on her nails and shakes her head. "It's nothing okay?"

I nod and head out for school. On my way a short boy walks out of his house, named Yoongi. One of the popular guys at school, all the girls want him.

I smile and bite my lip, I really like him t- Someone grabs my shoulder and ruffles my hair. I look to see Taehyung, my best friend.

"Hey," I mumble. He gives a boxy smile and walks beside me. "How was your sleep?" I shrug and look at my feet.

"You okay?" He asks. I nod and look up to see Yoongi walking in front of us. "Tae, do you like anyone?" I turn to him to see him thinking.

"Nope," He scratches the back of his neck and grins. "Do you?" I blush and shake my head. He laughs and elbows me.

"You do! Who?" He bounces a little and giggles. I bite on my lip, nervous. I look at him and blink, trying to think straight. But I'm gay so I can't think straight.

I mean I would tell him I'm gay but I know it would make our friendship weird and he would think I wanted to have sex with him, which I don't.

Who should I tell him?? Lisa? She's a freak, always stalking me at school. Gross... Jennie? Dating Kai. Wait!

"I like... Rose.." Rose is one of our friends, gosh that's weird to think about. Being with Rose? She is cute but not for me, not built for me either.

Taehyung smiles widely and claps, "She is perfect for you! You got to try and get her as your girlfriend!" He yells out. I slap my hands on his mouth before he says something stupid. Yoongi is right in front of us and I really want him, bad.

"If you say anything to her I will cut you down and beat you with a stick. Got it?" He nods fast and I release my hands from his face to see him pouting.

I chuckle and we head onwards to school.


I slouch in my seat as Mrs. Lee talks about equations and numbers, I hate math. I roll my eyes and look over to see Yoongi taking notes and so forth.

He is so cute! Crazy he is going to graduate this year, a year early. I wish I could be with him, and love all over-

"Jimin! Pay attention and stop looking at Yoongi! No copying!" Mrs. Lee blurts out. I snap out of it and gulp. Now everyone is laughing at me and Yoongi is looking at me.

I cover my face and side eye Yoongi to see him giving me a, "You're weird" look. I pout and look at my paper, embarrassed at the fact the teacher caught me looking at him but thought I was copying notes. How is copying notes bad anyways? I can't wait to see Tae and tell him- No way! I can't tell him about me drooling over the hot Yoongi- Hyung!

I lay my head down and drown out the giggles and teachers voice, only listening to my fast paced heart beat.


| Yoongi's POV |

I was doodling on my paper when Mrs. Lee, the honors Math teacher calls out a guy for "copying" my notes. What notes? I was drawing. I look back at him to see his round face pouting, embarrassed.

I look at my paper and smile to myself, he had drool on his face. Probably likes me. But he's cute. I could hook up, get a taste. He looks sweet.


| Jimin's POV |

I pick at my food for lunch and groan, pouting at the fact that I was caught staring at my crush. Taehyung sits in front of me and smiles.

"Hey," He waves at me and pouts. "You look sad Chim," He picks up my head by my chin and looks into my eyes. I weakly smile.

"Got caught looking at Yoon- Rose today. But everyone thought I was looking at Yoongi, cheating I guess," I lie and Tae gasp, chewing on his grapes. He smiles and keeps eating his grapes.

"Yoongi is okay. I've talk with him, he's pretty nice. Very quiet though," Taehyung looks at popular table and sees all the cool guys and girls, laughing and talking. I nod and pout.

I wish I was at that table. But at the same time I love hanging with Tae. He's my best friend, always will be. I love being around him.

"You excited to come over?" I ask. He perks his head back over to me and nods, grinning and licking his lips. "You bet I am," He spits out.

I laugh and we start to talk and joke around. He talks about funny things his parents do and his siblings talk about. And I talk about my brother found kissing his girlfriend one night.

"Tae," I tilt my head and look at my food. "I'm glad you're my friend," I mumble out. He chuckles and rolls his eyes.

"You always say that. Now eat," He points to my not eaten food and nods to it. I groan and eat it. Such a butt sometimes.

He suddenly choked on his milk and I raise my brow. "What?" I ask. I turn around to see- Holy Shit!!!! Min Yoongi, hottest guy walking over to our side of the lunch room!!

I sit up straight and see him walking... towards me!! I gulp and avert my eyes. Taehyung is choking more on his milk, being weird.

"Hey," Says a mild deep voice. I look up to see Yoongi smirking. I wave and all the girls are screaming. "You're the guy that was staring at me in Math today right?" He asks. I nod.

"I uhm, I want to talk with you. Can I?" He picks me up before I can answer and we walk out of the lunch room and down the hall. My heart is racing so fast I might go into cardiac arrest!

"So what do you need to talk-" He pushes me into a janitors closet and shuts the door. I blink for a second and see him walk a little closer to me.

"I wanted to talk about how cute you are," He caresses my lips with his long thumb, licking his pink lips. "I liked you in Math today, you are the only guy that looks like that," He gets closer to me and pushes himself onto me.

My eyes are wide open, shocked at what he's doing to me.

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