Chapter 25 (R)

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I'm eating dinner with the fam when I feel my phone go off. I get it out of my pocket and find Taehyung has texted me.

Wanna go on a date?


Not now dummy


Uhmm 10?

So in two hours?


Where at?

Ice cream


I put my phone down and continue eating dinner. I look over and find Mom doing an eyebrow dance.

"What?" I question. She shakes her head acting all innocent. I roll my eyes and continue to eat my food.

"Are you going to go hang out with Taehyung soon?" She asks me.

"I'm going on an ice cream date with him in a couple hours, why?" I look up at her to see her smirking.

"Are you going back to his place?" Mom then rest her chin on her closed fist.

"I guess so? Why??" I ask again. Then she does a something gross.

"👉👌" Is what she does, over and over. I frown and flip her off.

"Wha? Honey Jimin is flipping me off!" Mom whines.

"Good job son, putting her in her place." Dad gives me a thumbs up and grins.

"Honey! You..." Mom pouts and starts stabbing at her food, acting hurt.

"Baby you must understand. He's a teenage boy. And he's gay. We don't need to to know about his anal sex parties with Taehyung okay? Plus we already know Taehyung would top, it's just facts." Dad states.

"Well that's not true. They're a switch relationship hun. They be switching positions right Chim?" Mom turns to me with a smile.

"What?! Jimin you've fucked Taehyung's asshole???" Dad's eyes go wide.

"Why are we talking about this at the dinner table? My sex life is my sex life, nothing more." I groan.

"Well I want to know now. Was it good? You know, screwing him and all?" Dad asks with curiosity.

I blink and look at my parents like they're crazy; they are crazy. I mean usually parents would restrict you and yell at you for being a disappointment and shit. But this? This is worse.

"I'm going to my room to get ready." I stand up and start going up the stairs.

"If you need advice I'm always here!" Yells mom.

I groan and head up the stairs and into my room. I walk to my closet and look for something decent.

I choose this:

(A/N: Can I say that is fucking hot

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(A/N: Can I say that is fucking hot. He be hot af. 🥵 I mean wha??? LOOK AT THOSE THIGHS!!!... But his baby pinky tho 🥺 Sorry, I'm fangirling to much anygays..)

I look myself up and down and think Taehyung might like this, not sure. I grab my phone and call him.

"Hey," I hear from the other side. I smile and sit on my bed.

"Hey," I whisper. A hear a deep chuckle and man that made me want to jump him.

"Want to go now?" I ask him. Taehyung hums and then exhales.

"I have to get dressed but yeah." He says while probably fumbling off his bed.

"Are you naked?" I smirk. He coughs shyly.

"I mean yeah? Wanna come lick me up and down baby boy?" He asks me. I choke on air and blush a little.

"I want to lick ice cream." I say nervously. I can hear him moan from the background.

"How bout I put that ice cream on my cock and you suck it?" Taehyung suggest.

"I would... unless you put it in my ass and lick it from there?" I flirt.

"Have we done that yet? Ooh, I'm excited." Taehyung says with a happy tone in his voice.

"You're so horny. Didn't we talk about the fact you're getting too horny and need to "focus on what's important"?" I mock him.

"Shut up. We haven't done it in a hot minute and my dick is starting to shrivel." He jokes.

"And? Your a big boy, chill. Plus I want to snuggle." I whine.

"We can snuggle after our oral feast." He says with a deep but soft voice.

"You're really making me horny right now Tae, stop." I say to him.

"Why? I want to feel the inside of that thick ass of yours, let's go get that ice cream you wanted." He moans out.

I gulp and lick my dry lips, wetting them. With that I get up and hang up on him. I go to my door and ruffle my hair.

I go downstairs and find mom at the door. I sigh and go next to her, hugging her. She looks at me and gives yet another eyebrow dance.

"Mom stop. We're just going to get ice cream okay?" I lie. I mean we'll probably fuck along with the fact we'd waste the ice cream for our own pleasure.

"Uh-huh right. It reminds me of myself when I was your age. I told my mom that your dad and I were just going on a date. Next thing you know we're fucking in bathroom at the Walmart. Is was so delightful to be-"

"Mom! I don't want to know about your Walmart sex okay?" I complain.

"Alright Alright. But what I'm saying is that you two boys are horny and could get stds, wear condoms and don't forget the lube." She points at me.

"Mom... just... just stop okay?" I turn on my heel and open the door, seeing Taehyung walking up.

And damn he be fine as fuck. Like look at his beauty:

I smile and bow to mom, going to him

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I smile and bow to mom, going to him. I embrace him and feel him hug back. He nuzzles his face into my nape and pecks my skin.

"You smell good," He whisper moans. I flare my nostrils and chuckle.

"USE PROTECTION!!!!" Mom yells for the whole neighborhood to fucking hear.

I turn to her and flip her off, "FUCK YOU MOM!!!" I shout back.

"DON'T FUCK ME FUCK HIM!!!" She yells.

"GO SUCK DAD'S DING DONG WILL YA!" I shoo her but she smirks.

"I sure will!" She turns and closes the door. I gag to myself and imagine them fucking, wrinkle sex.

I turn to Taehyung to find him laughing his ass off. I giggle along with him and grin at him.

"Let's go get the ice cream for that oral feast alright?"

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