Chapter 27

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Last night was crazy. I mean after we ate ice cream we just fell asleep. But now I'm at school and can barely walk. And I can't stop tasting strawberry.

I sit at my desk and grunt in pain as my ass is throbbing. Taehyung slips into class with a big toothy grin and sits next to me. I frown and slowly turn towards him.

"I hate you," I say with a scowl. He looks at me and grins. I flip him off under the table.

He lays his head on his folded arms which rest on the table. "You didn't say that last night." He gives me an eyebrow dance.

"I never said I love you either." I stick my tongue out and heat him chuckle.

"But you did say your were my mutt, my dog and all mine." He whispers. My cheeks immediately flush with blush as he said that.

I slap his arm and look away. Why would he say that at school? Last night was crazy as it can get... probably not but for now it was the craziest sex we've had.

I side-eye him and see him smiling widely. My cheeks flush with heat. I swiftly turn away and look at the front of the class.

"Alright Class," Starts the teacher. She goes on talking about a project we're doing. I cross my fingers I get Taehyung (but most of the time I don't get to be with him).

"Blah Blah, Blah Blah, Blah Blah, Now the partners.... This and this.... bleh bleh, bleh bleh, meh meh, coo coo, tee tee, hee hee, pee pee, And lastly Jimin and Taehyung." I blink a couple of seconds and point to myself.

"Yes!" Taehyung yells out, fist in the air. I smile and look at Tae in the face.


The teacher rolls her eyes and explains the whole thing to the class. Even though Taehyung probably didn't retain anything she said; I'll help him out.


We are sitting down at my dining table doing the project. Even though it's due in two week I want it done in half that time and I mean in a couple of days. Taehyung is doing some research while I copy down what he tells me.

The front door opens and we can hear mine and his parents talking. They walk in the room and go quiet.

"Hey mom," I say with a smile towards her. I then see Taehyung's mom in tears while his dad is shaking his head.

"Hey... guys?" Taehyung says to his parents. What the hell is going on?

"I'm so proud of you two. Fucking so loud the tv wasn't even loud enough." Taehyung's mom sobs.

I drop my pencil and feel shame, pure shame. My face feels hot and has shot up into a red glare. Taehyung is trying to say something but can't say it.

"I- I can explain! We uhhhhhhh.... we were fucking..." Taehyung mopes.

"Was it good?" Mom asks. I start to gag, these stupid people.

"Stop! Asking! You gross hoes!" I whine. Embarrassment is now all on my face.

"Don't be shy. I knew you two would anyways. It's a mom's job to care right?" Mom turns to Tae's mom.

"Of course! I even recorded some audio of it while we were downstairs, wanna hear?" His mom reply's.

"NO! DELETE THAT SHIT NOW!" Taehyung screams and rips the phone out of her hand, deleting any evidence.

"Damn it Taehyung, I wanted to hear that." His dad complains.

"You're fucking gross. C'mon Chim, let's go due this project upstairs." Tae grabs my hand along with The project and pulls me upstairs.

"We'll be listening alright!" Mom yells to us.


We walk into his room and the memories of last night flood into my head. Everything that happened was crazy but to be honest, I want to do it again.

Suddenly I feel soft lips peck mine. I pull away and see Taehyung smiling widely. His teeth show and soon I'm smiling.

"You're cute," He flirts. I chuckle while he places the project down on his dresser.

Big hands wrap around my waist and pull me closer to his warm body. I nuzzle my face into the crease of his neck.

"My puppy," Taehyung says into my ear, rolling the words off his tongue.

"Tae," He hums, bringing more giddy feelings through me. "Do you... want to get married?" I ask him.

"To anyone else, no. But you, totally." His voice sounds like some surfer guy.

"Same. I'm glad we got together." I pull away from him, looking into his clear orbs.

"I wouldn't want to be with anyone else." These words fall from his lips and with those lips he kisses me.

As we kiss many feelings bloom inside of me. Feelings I've been feeling since the beginning but are now different in some way. Maybe because our relationship has grown into something more or maybe it's just him.

Before we were just friends. Now? We are boyfriends, lovers. We kiss and have sex. Before all we knew about these feelings was that it was platonic but it's now romantic. Everything is different.

Our make out soon ends and Taehyung simply sits down and opens his arms. Giggles fly from my mouth and go south for winter.

I slowly wrap his arms around my waist again and place my legs on his side of his thighs. His face is nuzzled into my abdomen, letting me feel his deep breathing.

"Tae, tomorrow you want to go on a date?" I ask him. He just shrugs and proceeds to kiss my abdomen.

"Want to go to a party I heard about tomorrow?" He suggest. I roll my eyes and pull away from his embrace, sitting next to him.

"Will Yoongi be there?" I question. He looks at me and seems a bit strange. My hand reaches towards him and rest on his shoulders.

"What's wrong baby?" I  start to rub his back. His eyes are filled with trouble and he seems confused.

"Remember when the Min's broke into my house? And Mrs. Min's call? It's been... bugging me. It doesn't make sense. They have been business partners with my family since forever! Why would they want my grandmother's ashes?" Taehyung confesses.

"I... I don't know. But why does the party have to do with this?" I know what he will say though. What the reason is.

"I want to dig deep into this. Yoongi might know something." Taehyung turns to me and looks me in the eyes. "He might tell us what's going on."

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