Im dying from laughter 🤣

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So the title might confuse you

And well I'm here to explain it

So about half an hour ago I got a message on Wattpad/on here

You guys are probably think from a fan


From the fucking Wattpad team

It was really funny and I'm totally cool with it

It was about a draft I had for Brains vs. Brawn (Chapter 8)

If you haven't read it (Brains vs. Brawn),

Each chapter has a picture at the top

PG-13 to PG-15 pictures

Well I put a Rated R pic on there (was going to delete anyways but they got to it first)

And well they gave me a message about it along with making the picture in unseeable and well censored for anyone to see

I had no reason to be upset, I knew my mistake

And it won't happen again

Thanks Wattpad for being so nice


But also,

I was wondering if Wattpad reads our stories


So if they read My smut... do they get turned on?

Because Ik they block comments with curse words with them

Like all the time

Even though I curse like a sailor here

And btw...

Force Marriage is not only a Vmin Book, it's my rant book

So I will probably rant a storm here

You won't find it in any other stories beside Fur and Fnags due to the fact I ended that book today

We should really mourn for Fur and Fangs, it was left behind

My first ff on this account


But I was laughing so hard bc of the message

I truly love how Wattpad is so cool about smut but not okay with bad pictures

Love you Wattpad 💕

And Love you Guys 💕

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