Chapter 8

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A/n: Hey dudes! So if you didn't notice, I deleted the Chapter with Yoonkook, idk why I just didn't like it. But hey, it's ok.

Love you boos!


| Jimin's POV |

I wake up to see Taehyung holding me tight, last night was our first date ever. I smile and hold him tightly.

He groans and pouts, I bite my lip and smile. His face is so charming yet cute. I pet his black curly hair and kiss the top of it.

"Tae," I whisper, trying to get him up. We have school today, Friday. He grumbles and holds me tightly.

"Tae, Baby, we have school," I sigh. He shakes his head and kisses my neck. I chuckle and try to get up but he forces me down.

"Baby!! Stop!" I groan. He licks my neck and kisses it more. I elbow him and get up, blushing at his cute actions.

"Fiinne!" He yells. Grunting to the bathroom to pee. I walk in and see him just a peeping, standing up and going away.

"Why are you just watching me pee? You're weird.." He asks with a mumble. I raise a brow and put my weight on my left foot, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Excuse me? Aren't you the one who put that up my-" He shushes me and looks away doing his business.

I roll my eyes and brush my teeth and hair. I hop in the shower and do my thing, Taehyung hops in and we bath together.

"Babe, pass the shampoo?" Taehyung asks. I nod and give it to me, smiling.

"I'm getting out," I mumble. I hop out and dry off, going to Taehyung's closet to find clothes beyond clothes.

I grab a hoodie, ripped jeans, socks and boots. I smile and put them on. I head downstairs and start breakfast, making eggs and bacon.

"Baby?" He comes down the stairs in some cute clothes. He's wearing a tucked in white T, black jeans, black choker, hooped earrings, rings, bracelets, black leather jacket, hot Dr. Martin boots, and black belt.

"You're dressed up, cutie~ " I pout. He chuckles and remembers what he was going to ask me.

"Do you know where my other- You're wearing them." He gives me this face, 😑 and flips me off. I laugh and look back at the eggs.

"I'm to lazy to go back to my house okay?" I groan. He gives me a sarcastic laugh and gives me yet another birdy.

"Lazy my ass! Our parents are coming back next Thursday, you must go back." He grumbles. I gasp and look at him.

"Next... Why didn't I know about this?" I ask him. He looks at with a "I didn't tell you?" Face.

"Uhh... didn't your parents call?" He raises his brows and I chuckle.

"No, they never call! That's why they lost me when I was seven at the grocery store." He laughs and comes back over to me.

"Did they really? You never told me that..." He puts his hand on his chin and thinks.

"They did and it took them seven hours to find me. I was still in the candy aisle. I sometimes want to bitch slap them.." I groan. He laughs and comes to me, wrapping his arms around my waist.

"When we get married. Will you take my surname or will I take yours? Park Taehyung, Kim Jimin." I think about it and shrugs my shoulders and keep on cooking.

"I kind of like the name Kim Jimin, it rhymes." He giggles and kisses my neck again. I smile and finish up breakfast.

"Kim Jimin and Kim Taehyung, you'll be mine soon. Forever..." He chuckles and keeps on kissing my neck.


I'm sitting in dance class and feeling eyes on me. I look up and see a girl, Rose looking at me. I wave and her cheeks flush a red color.

(Remember Rose, the girl who Jimin pretended to like. Yeah that's her.)

I look back at the floor and wait for the teacher to come in. Suddenly she sits next to me and pulls her knees up closer to her.

"Hey," She shyly whispers. I look at her and smile.

"Hi," I answer, trying to me nice. I lick my lips and look at her orbs.

"So uhm hows Tae?" She asks. I shrug and look at my hands.

"He's okay, living life normally." I croak out, trying not to say "we're gay,".

She chuckles and grabs my hand, making circles on my knuckles. I look at her with wide eyes.

"I uhm, can we meet on the roof later? I want to tell you something." She whispers as the teacher walks in.

"I guess.." I gulp, sweat rolling down my face. What in the...? Does she like me? I mean I'm gay, very gay but if she comes to like me then oh gosh... what will I tell her???

She smiles and stands, along with the rest of the class. I stand up and gulp big time, nervous at the fact I'm fucking screwed! Gosh I'm so screwed!! Someone help me..!!!


I'm standing on the roof top, waiting for Rose when I see birds fly by. I hear the door open to show Rose looking nervous. I wave at her and smile. She walks over to me and scratches the back of her neck.

"So uhm, what did you need to talk about with me?" I get straight to the point, not wasting time.

"Well you see... I uhm... need advice." She gulps. I raise my brow and cross my arms, confused.

"What kind of advice?" I ask. Nervously trying to process this whole thing.

"Well... uhm... I like this girl..." She clasps her hands together and chews her lip, nervous.

"A girl?!" My voice cracks. I swallow my spit and take a step back.

"Yes and I need advice about it." She curls her hair and chews on her lip more.

"Why me? I'm not lesbian??" I avert my eyes and re-cross my arms.

"No, but you're gay." She whispers so no one can hear.

"What? Pfft, me?" I wave my hand up and down and pretend not to be gay.

"Jimin, Taehyung told me about you. He and I are good friends and he said one time he got drunk somehow, and said "Jimin is gay, his been lying saying he likes you but surely he knows he be likey likey with girls," I quote." She points her finger to the sky and smiles.

I ball my fist and lean on one foot. I grit my teeth and want to slap that Taehyung. I look at her in the eyes and roll my tongue against my cheek.

"Rose, I can't help you." I spit out, in rage at Taehyung.

"But I- Please Jimin! I really need help! I really need someone to help me out and support me! I want someone to help...! Help!!! Help me get with Jisoo!" She screams, holding her shirt.

"Jisoo? The Jisoo? Most richest girl in town?..." She smiles at me and bites down on her lip. I give her duck lips and sigh, shaking my head.

"Fine! But if you tell I single soul I'm... ᵍᵃʸ, I will murder you and your love for Jisoo." I state. She nods fast and gulps, nervous.

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