Chapter 17

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"The world is a prick."

Taehyung looks at me in awe and nods. The teacher stands up and looks at the class. I sit up and gulp.

"I'm going out for a minute. Behave."

She leaves and everyone suddenly looks at me.  I feel my chest fall in. My lungs start to grasp for any air it can grab. My heart suddenly goes quiet.

"Well Well Well," Says a voice. I look over and see Jackson, the muscle pig.

"The homo is here guys!"

"Did you really fuck my buddy Yoongi?" Jackson asks.

"No, who told you other wise?" I spit out. He chuckles and placed one hand in his hip.

"Who else,"


"He told everyone at a party that Park Jimin was a Gay predator. Ready to attack anytime he wanted. He even told me you were just waiting to have at it with his best pal, Namjoon. And Hoseok. Possibly even Me." Jackson confesses. Everyone gasps and looks at me in shock, besides Rose and Jisoo.

"That's not true," Scoffs Taehyung. Jackson looks at Tae and chuckles.

"Why are you supporting this- this- this freak!" He yells. Taehyung stands from his seat and grabs Jackson's shirt collar.

"I'll knock out all of those pearly whites if you don't shut your trap Wang!" Taehyung spits.

"You don't got the balls. All you do is hang out with a queer. A small little queer with big fangs, ready to kill." Jackson smirks and blows air into Taehyung's face.

"Being Gay isn't a crime Wang. He has a big heart! Better than you! I mean you're all over Mark. Everyone knows you two have been hooking up since middle school. So run off with your "gay freak" shit." Taehyung continues, "Plus Yoongi is a pig. He lies through his teeth!" Shouts Tae.

"Uh huh, whatever."

Taehyung balls up his fist and chuckles. Suddenly his fist is in Jackson face, punching him. Everyone gasps and gets their phones out.

Jackson punched back and starts beating Taehyung up. I gasp and grab Jackson, pushing him off of Tae.

"Oh you gay shit!" Jackson mugs me in the chest and slams me into the desk. I grasp for air but feel nothing come into my air pipes.

Jackson is choking me. I try and pull him off but I'm to weak. My small hands can't grab anything but a pencil pouch.

I smack him with the pencil pouch and get him off of me. Taehyung gets on his waist and punches him in the face.

Then Jackson left hooks Tae in the jaw and makes him fall over. I gasp when Jackson starts to choke my baby, my everything.

I can barely move due to him choking me. But I grit my teeth and grab a pen, slowly going over it him and ignore the class chanting for Jackson.

I raise the pen and stand him in his bicep. Jackson shrieks and falls back holding his arm with the pen in it.

"If you ever touch Taehyung again I will break every bone in your body."

The teacher runs in and looks horrified. Everyone is in shock at my actions. The teacher and helps Jackson up.

More teachers come in and help Jackson to the nurse. Meanwhile Taehyung has a bloody nose, two black eyes and a possible fractured arm.

"Jimin to the office NOW!"

I slowly stand and go to the office with the principal who also got called in. I'm sat in a seat in front of the principals desk.

He looks angry. I feel no sympathy for that son of a bitch Jackson. He tried to kill us, he's crazy.

"Do you know what you did? You stab a student in the arm Jimin!" He shouts.

"I was protecting Taehyung. And myself. Jackson is crazy!" I say with a shaky voice.

"How so? In light me," The principal leans back in his sit.

"Taehyung did start the fight but Jackson was harassing me. Taehyung punched Jackson then Jackson beat up Tae. Then I pushed Jackson off of Tae then he punched my chest the slammed me into the desk, choking me. Then I somehow got him off and he then went to Tae, punching him crazy then choking me. He tried to kill us." I state. The principal looks in shock.

"I... We'll have to listen to Taehyung's and Jackson's point of view but I can see your neck is forming hand bruises. We'll suspend you and Taehyung but Jackson will be talked too. And you about stabbing him in the arm." I nod and I go home with Taehyung.

We are in the car with my mom and dad, it's silent. I fidget with my shirt and feel bad for Jackson but, he tried choking us.

"Jimin," Dad speaks up. I gulp and nod. He looks at my and smiles.

"Good job little- Ow!"

"Don't congratulate him! He stabbed a kid in the arm!" Mom yells.

"Protecting his one and only! Plus the kid was making fun of him because he was gay! The gay police bet his ass up. And look at Taehyung! He's snoring away but he's basically black and blue!" Dad explains.

"I know but they got suspended for a month. A month!" Mom groans but sighs.

"The kid also choked Taehyung and I." I state. Mom looks at my neck and sees the hand bruises.

"Oh what the hell! I'm calling his parents and telling them I'm suing! The Kims are going to love seeing their black and blue son. Gosh I HATE DICKHEADS!" Mom is yelling.

As she's ranting Taehyung wakes up and with a shaky hand intertwined his fingers with mine. I look at him and feel my heart break.

He really is black and blue. I caress his bruised knuckles and slowly unbuckle my seat belt, sliding over to him and embracing him.

I can feel my shirt getting wet as he snuggles into my chest. I pet Tae's black locks and kiss his head.

"It's going to be okay," I whisper to him. Taehyung just silently sobs in my chest.

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