Chapter 24 (R)

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"Baby? Where is my hoodie??" Taehyung asks. I look down and find myself wearing it. Most days I steal his clothes.

"I'm wearing it," I state. Taehyung comes back into the room and frowns.

"Why do you steal my clothes? That's my favorite one!" He whines. I giggle and go over to him, embracing him.

"I like your scent on me. If we can't hang out I wear your stuff to remind of you." I explain.

"But why that one? There are other ones you could've picked!" Tae nuzzles his face into my nape and sighs.

"Jimin," His voice is suddenly deep, breathy yet calm.

"Yeah?" I rub his back and feel a tingling feeling in my gut.

Out of nowhere Taehyung's hands are in my pants. I gulp and stop rubbing his back. I lick my lips and squeeze my eyes shut when he starts to pump me.

"Tae I- Ah- Baby st- mmm- stop-"

He pulls his hands out of my pants and flops on the bed. I look at him and raise my brow. Frowning, I flop next to him.

"Why'd you stop?" I ask him. He chuckles and holds my hand.

"I'm getting too horny. I need to control my hormones and focus on what's important." He states.

"And that is?" I ask him. I look at him and see him looking at me.

"You," Taehyung purses his lips. My whole body shivers in excitement by his simple answer.

"You're cheesy," I giggle. I lean in and peck the clouds of lips he has.

"And sometimes it's good to be horny, I like you being horny... on days I'm horny." I joke.

"But I'm not joking. I'm always thinking about sex now a days but I don't actually want to do it. I mean don't get me wrong, I would do it anytime any day. But it's not..." He pauses. I look at his cheeks to see them turn to light pink. "I'm not topping in these fantasies I'm having." He admits.

My heart beat quickens in pace and my lungs stop producing air for me to live. I cough and cover my face with my SmoL hands.

"O-Oh? Was I... good?" I ask with a stutter. Taehyung smacks the shit out of me and makes me choke.

"Why did you do that!" I yell. Tae laughs his ass off, holding his stomach. I pout and sit up.

I cross my arms and look away, trying to make him "comfort" me or "cuddle" me all up. I feel a pair of arms around my waist and a chin rest on my shoulder.

"Sorry baby. I love you," He whispers. I giggle and lean into him, feeling Taehyung's warmth.

"I love you too dummy. And guess what?" I turn to him and see one of his brows raised.

"What?" He replies. I grin and raise my hands, going in for the attack.

I start to tickle the crap out of him. He gasps but soon laughs. I get on top of him and laugh along with him.

"Jimin! Haha- Stop!" He yells while laughing. I smile and lean down, pressing my lips onto his. He kisses back and wraps his arms around me waist. I smile while this amazing kiss is happening.

But a sudden feeling hits me, a feeling of not joy but sadness. I can't tell why it hit me, but it did. It was stirring around in my stomach, calling for help, wishing to be dead, to be nothing; that is how I feel. I want it to leave. I'm kissing the one I love, the one I cherish the most, so why am I wanting to pull away and die? Curl up in a ball and sob my way out of this marriage. Push Taehyung away and yell at him, constantly. Tear our sex and love life up and through it in the depths of the ocean. Open a hole in my chest I can't fix. Why do I feel this way?

"Jimin?" Taehyung makes me come back to reality. I'm looking deep into his orbs, seeing a concerned look on his face.

"Why are you crying?" He asks. I gasp and get off him, sitting next to him.

I wipe my tears and sniffle, pulling my knees to my chest. His big hand gently rubs my back, soon holding me.

"Wanna talk about?" I turn to him and see him having a face of guilt, concern.

"I... I don't know. I think... I'm doubting us." I admit. "I mean I'm not doubting our love, just us. The relationship we've made. What we are." I state.

"Gay right? Loving each other?" Taehyung pulls me into an embrace. I start to feel tears glide along my cheeks. I soon sob into his chest.

"I want all of this to end. I don't want to go on... I'm scared."

| Taehyung's POV |

I feel tears start to trickle down my face too. I know how he feels. The world looking at you, hating you. But that's not it, is it. He feels a big pain in his chest for ruining my life, our life. Or maybe he just hates me? No way. But he's regretting getting with me, regretting us falling for each other, regretting that we became gay for one another.

"Jimin," I pull him away from my chest, "Do you love me?" I ask him.

"Of course! I-I can't live without you! I would die without you." Tears fall off his face, falling onto his hands curled up on his lap.

"Then stop worrying, only look at me okay? The world is shit. It doesn't care about us. Those people care for their group of "normies" and most of all, themselves. Let's live our lives to the fullest. Because if we don't, time would've been wasted. And I don't want to waste time, ever." I state.

"Me either." He says softly, leaning his head on my shoulder again. I smile and put him into another embrace.

"I'm sorry,"

"I'm really sorry I ruined the good life you had."

"I always ruin everything."

"I'm no fun."

I bite my lip and nuzzle my face into his nape. I sigh and think of what he might be thinking. I mean he's never made me upset besides the time we broke up. He's so much fun. At some times I can't breathe due to all the laughter he makes me have. I love him.

I love Park Jimin.

I love Park Jimin.

I love my Jimin.

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