40. Epilogue

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Logan's POV-

"Chloe! Come on, you need to get dressed! You're going to be late!" I call out to Chloe as I peak in her room to see her already on her way to falling back asleep. She jumps when she hears my voice and when she looks at the clock on her nightstand for probably the tenth time this morning, she gasps and quickly moves around her room to get dressed.

"Daddy! Why didn't you wake me up sooner!?" she asks me as she pulls out some clothes for her to wear. I only shake my head.

"I did. But someone didn't get up when I told them to," I tell her. She groans.

"We have a field trip today...I can't be late," she tells me. I quickly nod my head as I turn around to start heading down the stairs.

"I'm aware...that's why we need to get moving," I tell her before I quickly peak in my room to find Kim holding onto a pillow close to her as she yawns.

She's close to our due date. Our baby should be born soon. And this past week, she hasn't been wanting to get out of bed at all because she's been real lazy. She left work several weeks ago, taking a leave of absence until she's able to return to work. She really wanted to work up until she goes into labor, but after arguing with her about it, she gave in and left.

I don't want her putting useless stress on her at any means possible. It's not good for her or our baby and when she gets neck deep in work, she stresses out, a lot. And as her wife, it's my job to make sure she's not pushing herself too much if it's not necessary. Not saying that being her wife has become a job or anything.

The exact opposite.

I just don't want her to go into harm's way.

But I guess I don't have to worry about that now. All she's been doing for the past month or so has been eating and sleeping and just lounging around.

I hold in a laugh as I jog down the stairs and finish preparing Chloe's lunch. Kim's very determined to not have Chloe eat the lunches at the school she goes to. Something about the lunches at some schools aren't always the best. So, we make her lunches. Which works out fine.

Especially now.

Since Kim's been home for the past several weeks, I've taken full control of getting Chloe to and from school. I make her lunches. I make her breakfasts. I take her to school and pick her up later. It works with my working schedule because at this point, I don't have one.

I work from home.

Which is really convenient if you ask me. It makes my life a whole lot better and I only have to go in if it's for a meeting or something else like that. Otherwise, I can work from home just fine.

"Ok. We're running behind so you're just going to have to eat in the car," I tell her as I had her a bagel with cream cheese on it along with a juice box.

"Alright, come on," she says as I grab her lunch bag while she rushes to the door to get her boots and coat on.

Once we're all situated and in the car, we head towards the school. The buses don't leave until 9, but even so, her school starts at 8. Hopefully we'll get there in time. Which, I think we will. And as we pull into the drop off line, my intuition was right. She has 5 minutes to spare. Enough time to catch up to her little class and chill before the buses come to take them to the Science Center.

"Ok Chloe. Have fun, be safe, and...yeah...have fun." I tell her as I turn around to face her in the backseat as she grabs her backpack and starts to get out.

"Oh! One more thing," I tell her, stopping her from climbing all the way out.

"I know you're excited about the trip and all, but please stay with your teacher and the other adults who are going on the trip. Don't wander off like you sometimes tend to do. Please. You know how much your mommy worries...and quite frankly, me too," I tell her, sternly. She only smiles and nods.

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