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"Unnie!" I yelled trying to catch my members' attention. They were all busy practicing and I was excused by our manager as he needed to tell us something.

"What?" They asked and stopped dancing then walked towards me. I showed them the letter that the manager gave us. I handed it to Sowon unnie and she slowly opened the letter.

She faked a cough before reading the letter.

Dear Gfriend,

Good day to the six of you! We are inviting you to join our new segment called 'Home Alone'. It is where 2-3 groups are invited and will be living together under the same roof for 6 months. You will be given tasks and chores wherein everybody must cooperate and work together. After completing every task you will be given a reward after the term of the show is over. We are looking forward to working with you and am glad if you accept the invitation.

P.s. There is a hidden camera filming you as you read this letter.

Sincerely yours,
Home Alone


"OMO! I'm so excited!" Yerin unnie said. She has always been up for adventure, all of us are, but she loved doing challenges.

"Me too!" We all said in unison and laughed after. I wonder, who's the other group gonna be?

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