Chapter 33

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A week has passed since we went shopping and now, the company has called us for a general meeting. I was nervous because it is gonna be my first time seeing them, him again. Oppa drove us to the company building and we bid our goodbye and thanks before he left.

"When did you change your hairstyles?" Manager asked and we answered him about a week ago. "Why?"

"We just felt like it." Sowon answered. Manager of course couldn't do anything about it and led us to the room where the meeting will be held.

"Gfriend is here good!" CEO Bang said motioning us to sit. Both BTS and TXT are here and they are sitting in front of us. We could feel their stares and it honestly made us uncomfortable. "I'm just gonna go straight to the point of why we called all of you here."

"We are planning to have a company concert where all three of you will be participating." RM raised his hand and CEO pointed to him. "But we are currently in a show, is that possible?" He asked. He's right, they still have less than a month to finish the show, how will a concert be possible?

"We'll wait for the show's term to end then after that we will be having the concert so you better train hard while being in the show and the other will also be training in their respective studios." We all nodded and bowed when he dismissed us. "Ah girls." CEO Bang called us when we were about to go out. "I like the new look." He said and we thanked him before we walked outside the door. I thought we were gonna get scolded or something!

"I guess we're back to training. And Umji, you will be practicing less like the doctor told alright? You have be extra careful this time." Sowon unnie reminded and I smiled before nodding at her. "The doctor? Did you go to the doctor Umji?" We were interrupted when RM asked. BTS were following him and they just got out of the room. We looked at them awkwardly and just shook our heads.

"No." Sowon answered coldly. We don't feel like talking to them as of now. I can see in my peripheral vision how Yoongi oppa is staring at me worried and sadly. Why is he being like this? Shouldn't he be happy? He still makes me confused! I just don't understand him.

"Noona!" TXT called us making us snap our heads towards them. "Do you want to practice with us? You know to get to know each other more so that in the concert we won't be awkward?" One of their members said which I'm assuming is their leader.

"Sure!" Yerin accepted smiling and we walked outside together with TXT. BTS followed behind us but we can feel that they were still looking at us, hearing their sighs.

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