Chapter 4

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"To the first episode of Home Alone!" The director said, we raised our glasses cheering and drank down the soju. The bitter taste lined across my throat leaving a warm feeling after.

"Don't drink too much!" Oppa warned and I nodded. I'm not a heavy drinker as I don't have high alcohol tolerance so I get drunk easily.

We started eating what was served on the table happily. Hmm! They are so good!

"That's a really cute hair tie Umji!" Eunha unnie said looking at the hair tie that Yoongi oppa gave me. I smiled at her and nodded. I started making a wrap for Oppa and poked him on his side. He looked at me confused and I signalled him to open his mouth, gladly, he did and I fed him the wrap that I made.

"Oppa can you make me a wrap? The lettuce is so far and I can't reach it." Yeri said acting cute while looking at Yoongi.

"'Oppa can you make me a wrap?'" SinB mimicked quietly before making faces and acting disgusted. I held back a laughter watching her but was shocked when Yoongi did start making a wrap and handed it to her. "Thank you!" She tucked a hair behind her ear and smiled while battling her eyelashes.

"Aishh really?" Jhope whispered cringing at her. I didn't know what to feel, did he really just make her a wrap when he could've just handed the lettuce? He has never made me a wrap before.

"Aigoo look at her acting cute requesting for a wrap when she could've just walked to take it or just ask to pass it!" Jin looked at Yeri with his judging face and the girls just rolled their eyes.

"Come on guys. Don't be too harsh on her. She was young and made a mistake!" We all looked at Yoongi with eyes. Did he really just defend her? What in the world?

"What?" RM frowned looking at him.

"Yah! Min Yoongi! Are you out of your mind?" Yerin said informally. I also looked at her in shock since she talked to him casually. She gave me a 'what' face. Yoongi frowned and looked sharply at her. He was about to say something when someone interrupted.

"Stop whispering there! We also want to know what you're talking about!" Irene said and they were all looking at us. "Yeah! Let us join in!" Wendy agreed. We sat properly but no one said a word. It was just an awkward situation! Everyone was silent and was eating quietly.

"Pass me the soju." I asked my Unnies. They nodded passing it to me and I was about to pour some on my glass when a hand stopped me.

"Yah! What are you doing? I told you to not drink much!" Yoongi oppa said looking at me madly. Right now, I don't care if he gets mad.

"It's just my second glass. I'm not gonna get drunk with two drinks!" I spat and pushed his hand away. Time passed and everyone was already talking and laughing. Almost everybody was tipsy and I'm already on my 7th glass. I can feel my vision blurring but I can't surrender just yet to the alcohol.

"Director, can I sleep with Umji just for this night? I need to take care of her." Oppa said and I shook my head. "I refuse." He looked at me confused and mad at the same time. "I can handle myself and I'm not yet drunk! I'd rather sleep with the room arrangements." I said and the director nodded convinced.

"Yah! Kim Yewon! What the heck?!"

"Whatever." I said rolling my eyes and ignoring him. I was about to pour more soju on my glass when Yoongi oppa roughly grabbed it from my hand. I slammed the table with my hands and left.

I just left the table not caring about what Yeri is saying about how 'disrespectful' and 'ungrateful' I am. I walked towards my room and just flopped down the bed. My tears fell with my body and I just cried out all the frustrations I had this day.

Don't worry Yewon. You'll get through this! It's just 6 months. 6 fucking months.

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