Chapter 42

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"I can't believe that two the maknae will be married first!" Yerin said amazed. The concert just ended and they are now taking a break in their dressing rooms. "I didn't expect it too!" Eunha said looking at SinB and Jhope.

"I guess they're worn out." RM said referring to TXT who all passed out on the floor of the room. They rolled down a small mattress then just lied down next to each other. "She's near her 3rd month." Sowon sighed staring at Umji who was sleeping beside Suga who was also sleeping.

"You're right." Jin said beside Sowon and he noticed her staring at Umji's stomach. "Do you want to have kids?" He asked and Sowon snapped back to reality. "Ahh yes. I like kids so I do want to have one of my own." She started. "I want to have my own family before I turn 30. If I give birth when I'm older then it would be harder for me to take care of them since I'm already of age. I want to enjoy and play with my child while I'm still young!" She explained deeply sighing.

"Then why don't you make kids?" Jin suggested and Sowon looked at him sharply before hitting his head lightly. "Yah! Do you think that's easy? I don't just want a child, I want a child with the man that I love. I want to marry that man first before having a family!" She nagged at him. Jin just scratched the back of his head.

"Then why aren't you still married? I'm pretty sure that the man you like does like you back." He said and Sowon sighed once again. "He doesn't, he's not even my boyfriend so how can I marry him?"

"Then be be my girlfriend then." Sowon slowly turned her head to Jin. Her heart was beating fast and she didn't expect him to say that. Sowon likes him, no, she loves him. She knows that herself but she doesn't have the courage to confess. "Besides, he might have someone he likes." She thought before.

"If you're saying this out of pity then no thanks I don't need i—"

"No Sowon! I'm saying this because this what I want to say. I always kind of like you." He confessed, Sowon couldn't believe her ears and she could feel her heart racing. "You were caring for your members like a true mother and friend. You defended them and helped them when they needed it. You were always there to support each one of their decisions. You're pretty, wait no, you're beautiful and kind hearted. I can see why every man could fall for you. But I was scared that you might reject me so I didn't confess until now. I liked you since Day 1. I liked you since we were in Idol School and I was over the moon when we became together and got devastated when we separated but I understood why you did that. I promised myself to wait for you, I think the wait is over. I never stopped loving you Sowon and I would die to be with you again." He said. Sowon just realized how much he longed for her. She was too focused on making her members happy that she forgot what made her happy the most. And that is being with this man, the man she loved the most, with Jin.

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