Chapter 19

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"LET US WELCOME ALL THE IDOLS PARTICIPATING IN THIS YEAR'S ISAC!" The commentator announced and called out the groups one by one.

"YEOJACHINGU!" We walked out from the backstage to be greeted by the blinding light, loud cheer of the fans and confetti flying everywhere. It had been a week since that night and all I could say is that it was amazing but I had a guilty feeling inside me that I didn't where it came from. I just shook my head and smiled like nothing happened. After every group was called the games started.

(Time Skip)

The first part of the games had passed and now is lunch time. We were waving at the Buddies when we noticed that they weren't eating. "Are they not hungry?" Eunha asked pouting and we looked at them.

"Okay! How about we buy them lunch?" Sowon suggested and we nodded in agreement. That's actually a pretty good idea! We asked the manager to buy food for the Buddies and water for them too, we also asked to buy some extra for other fans too.

I picked up one box and carried it towards the bleachers. "Let me carry that." Someone took the box from my hand and I looked at Oppa who smiled widely at me before walking up the bleachers towards the Buddies. Yoongi oppa carried the box while I handed the food and water to the fans. They thanked us and we bowed at them before leaving.

We met the girls down on the oval and they were waving at us. The other members of BTS were with them, seems like they helped my Unnies too. "Thank you Oppa for helping me." I bowed at him and he bowed back.

We sat on the floor beside each other and started talking. We all laughed as we shared stories about how practice went. "Where is he going?" Jimin asked referring to Yoongi oppa who stood up and walked backstage. I shrugged and just continued talking.

After a few minutes, he came back with an energy drink and yogurt in hand. "Here." He said and handed me the energy drink. "Eh? Why? I have some water with me." I said confused showing my water bottle.

"You should have the energy drink, you need it more." He said and I nodded. The members looked at us with a teasing expression. He's so caring! Kim Yewon control yourself! He just gave you water nothing to feel butterflies about. But I can't help it gahhh!

He sat down beside me again and started eating his yogurt. I frowned at him as he munched happily on his yogurt. "He's been acting strange lately." Jhope said cringing. "Why?" The girls asked.

"He eats a ton of things he doesn't usually eat." RM said staring Oppa.

"He's been craving weird food combinations." Jin shivered at the thought.

"He's moodier than usual." Jimin added shaking his head.

"He's been w-way too s-sensitive!" V stuttered looking at Oppa scared of the way he's been acting.

"He doesn't like yogurt." I said looking at him weirdly.

"It's as if he's a pregnant woman!" Jungkook cringed and we all looked at him weirdly. That's ridiculous!

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