Chapter 8

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It is already 6 in the evening and they just finished swimming. They all jumped in the water soon after RM and Umji except Suga. They had decided to eat dinner there and started a bonfire.

They are now roasting marshmallows while have some drinks after eating dinner. They seated around the bonfire and decided to do truth or dare with one empty bottle. Jungkook spun it around and it landed on Eunha. "Me first? Aww. I pick dare!" They all ooh-ed with Eunha's bravery.

"Pick one of the boys around this bonfire that you would likely get a crush on." Jungkook smirked. "And kiss him on the cheeks!" Yuju added making Eunha roll her eyes as the girls looked at her with a teasing look. They knew who she likes of course! She walked towards Jungkook and kissed him on his cheek. Jungkook looked surprised that she picked him and was blushing.

Eunha spun the bottle and it landed on Joy, she picked truth. "Aside from Red Velvet who would you pick as your best friend?" She asked.

"That's easy! Yerin!" She smiled widely and Yerin also smiled at her giving her a high five. Joy spun the bottle and it landed on Jhope. He picked truth and the boys boo-ed at him. "Okay, out of all the girls here. Who would you likely fall in love with?" Wendy whispered at Joy and then she asked the question. Wendy was playing with her hair while smiling timidly. Jhope was resisting the urge to cringe and just shake his head.

"SinB." He said blankly and stared at SinB. She just avoided his gaze making the girls giggle. It was now his turn to spin the bottle and shockingly it stopped at SinB. "Yah! You made it purposely stop didn't you?" She hit Jhope's arm as he was just beside him. "How could I even do that?" He said rubbing his arm.

"Excuse me. I need to go to the toilet!" Yerin excused herself and ran back to the house. So they continued.

"Fine, dare!" She crossed her arms not looking at Jhope. "Sing for us!" She looked at him with wide eyes.

"Come on SinB! We all know you dance great but we want to hear you sing solo!" V Said and the boys nodded at her. She sighed and stood up, she then sang her song 'Confession'. They all clapped our hands for her, except Red Velvet, when she finished. She sat back down and spun the bottle, it landed on Irene. She picked dare, "I dare you to do a monkey dance!" SinB grinned evilly looking at her. Irene was about to complain when everybody stared at her motioning her to not be a killjoy. She stood up and slowly did a monkey dance looking down, trying to hide her face with her hair. After she was done, everybody was laughing hard especially SinB, she was satisfied looking at her being embarrassed. With a flushed face, Irene spun the bottle. "Dare." V said poker faced, it landed on V and boy! The smile on Irene's face was wide.

"Kiss the girl you would like in this circle. On the lips!" She said staring intently at V and licked her lips. V just rolled her eyes and stood up. He scanned the people around the bonfire and scratched the back of his head.

"Hey! I'm back. Did I miss anything?" V quickly turned around and grabbed Yerin by her waist catching her in surprise. She got more surprised when V crashed his lips onto hers and the reaction on Irene's face was priceless. V broke off the kiss and sat back down, Yerin was still dumbfounded and just found herself seating beside V who was as red as a tomato.

They continued playing and drinking the whole night until it stopped at Umji. She picked dare, "How brave of you!" Bangchin teased her and she just laughed awkwardly. "Do a dance! A sexy one!" Yerin dared and she stood up shyly. They played 'Twenty-three' by IU and as soon as she started dancing her shy face became fierce and confident. It made her look more hot as she dance to a sexy song.

Yoongi was just watching her, he was tempted of course. Seeing her wife dancing like that but he also didn't like the fact that she was dancing in front of all these guys. The girls were teasing her when she finished and she sat back down. She spun the bottle and it landed on RM. He picked truth.

"You have never told us about a girl that you like, there probably is one. So who is it?" Umji intrigued RM, wiggling her brows. RM laughed awkwardly and took a deep breath. "I have liked this girl since then and I never really got the courage to confess but I'm happy that we're friends and I'm already contented with what we are now. I know that this may be hard to believe but the girl that I like is... You! But don't worry, I think I'm developing a deeper liking to someone different and that's Ailee." He confessed looking at Umji in the eye. Yoongi was pissed, he felt anger boiling up inside but he can't lose his temper right now. Everything is still a mess and it would cause a bigger mess if he did. After that awkward silence, RM spun the bottle and it landed on Yeri, she picked dare.

"Never ever lay a hand on Umji again!" He glared in a threatening voice. Yeri rolled her eyes and just nodded before spinning the bottle. She smirked when it landed on Suga. "Dare." He picked. "Kiss me."

Everybody frowned at the dare given and no one like it except for Red Velvet. "No." Suga refused and Yeri smirked more. "Stop being a killjoy! You chose dare." She taunted and everybody looked guilty as all of them did the dare they were given. Suga clenched his fist and just walked towards her, he was aiming to kiss her cheek but Yeri faced him making their lips meet.

Umji felt tears dwell up in her eyes as thousand of needles were stabbing her heart repeatedly. It was horrible seeing her husband kiss the girl who ruined their relationship before. To stop the tears she just drank down alcohol until she passed out.

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