Chapter 17

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We are now back at the dorm and everyone else went back to theirs too. I looked around and scanned my room, it has been a while since we went home because we are filming. I took my phone and opened it, I don't know if I have told you before but we weren't really allowed to use our mobile phones. I closed my eyes as I felt the multiple vibrations of my phone because of the non stop notifications. After a few minutes it stopped, I opened my eyes and clicked on the first notification that popped up. It was an article.

(A/N: Referring to Chapter 6)

What the heck is this? Did they not show the whole footage? I don't know what to say. The article got me speechless! I scrolled down with shaky hands to see the comments. Hate comments were everywhere!

I wiped the tear that escaped my eye and fanned myself with my hand. It's okay Umji! It's nothing! Don't mind them, they're just people who didn't know what really happened.

"Umji? Umji, answer me please!" Sowon knocked on my door multiple times. She must have seen the article and is worried that I might see it. "Yes?" I answered fixing my voice so that it wouldn't sound shaky like I cried.

"Have you opened your phone yet?" She's gonna try to hide the article from me. "No. Why?" I lied and I hear her giving a sound of relief. "Nothing, I'm just wondering if I can borrow your phone for a bit." She said. I fixed myself quickly on the mirror before opening the door with a smile, "Sure." I said handing her my phone.

"Thank you! I'll give it back later." She said smiling before running towards the living room. I nodded before closing the door and the smile I showed before quickly disappeared.

I grabbed a key from under the mattress of my bed and unlocked the last drawer of my bedside table and took the spare phone that I have. Yes, I have a spare phone.

I opened it and the same notifications popped up once again on the screen. I scrolled through my phone seeing all the praise comments for Yeri and hate comments for BTS and Gfriend. People were starting to bring up and question our marriage. They were suspecting if everything was planned and arranged.

I lied down on my bed and stared at the ceiling. Why did he marry me anyway?

What was I to him?

What is Yeri to him?

Who is more important?

"Who am I kidding? Of course she's more important." I laughed sarcastically at my thoughts.

What is his plan with us?

What does he want 'us' to be?

What future did he saw with me?

Such questions flooded my mind and there were so many that it overflowed in tears.

"YAH MIN YOONGI!!" I wanted to shout. I wanted to yell. I wanted to let it all out until I've had none left.

"You confuse me!" I whispered in between sobs. You're cold and mean at one point but sweet and caring in the next. Why are you like this? Why do you keep making things hard for me? Why do you keep on confusing my heart and mind?

"Do you still...

Love me?"

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