Chapter 15

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"ISAC is near! I'm so excited!" Yuju squealed. We just got back home and are now eating dinner. "No one could beat Irene unnie's bow and arrow last year!" Seulgi said proudly. We couldn't attend last year because we were busy that's why Yuju was so excited for this year. But we heard that Irene hit the camera on the center with the bow and arrow, which was super cool!

"It's this month, isn't it?" Jungkook sighed and we all nodded. We were all silent after he spoke until Sowon's phone rang. "Excuse me." She smiled and walked outside to answer the call. We watched her from inside the house, we could see her since the living room had a glass wall where we can see everything outside.

She was smiling as she talked to the phone but after a few seconds her smile dropped then was followed by a frown. She looked so serious while speaking, who must have it been? Sowon nodded then ended the call before going back inside.

"Who was it?" Jin asked Sowon. "Ahh it was Manager." Us, Gfriend, turned our head at her. Why would Manager call?

"Why? What did he say?" Eunha asked as we looked at her eagerly. Sowon laughed awkwardly since everyone was looking at her. "We have to go back to Seoul tomorrow to practice for ISAC."

"Ahh." We responded nodding our heads and she sat down. It was nice here, we actually took a break from everything except for the part where we fought. "Well you heard her! We should pack our stuff up if we're gonna be leaving first thing tomorrow." RM said clapping his hands once and we all went to our rooms to pack some stuff up.

I sat on my bed and took out my suitcase, it's a small one and I don't really have much to bring since we all have our dorms there while RM did the same. "What sport will you be participating in?" He asked in the midst of packing. I shrugged and answered, "I don't know. Manager always sets that up for us." He nodded and we continued in silence.

"RM can we please speak to Umji? Privately?" We both looked at the doorway and there stood my members. What are they doing here? What do we need to talk about? "Sure! I finished already anyways, I'm just gonna go out!" He smiled and bowed before leaving the room.

The girls went inside and closed the door. They all sat on my bed in front of me while we all looked confused. "What did you want to talk about Unnie?" Yuju asked Sowon and she sighed.

"Manager called me to say another thing." We motioned her to continue. "After ISAC, we are gonna have to stay in Seoul for a month or two."

"But why?" Yerin asked curiously. She's right, why though? "We are gonna be preparing for our comeback and it will have to take a while. After ISAC, everyone else will be going back here to continue with the show while we're gonna have to stay there until we have released it and promoted it." She said and we nodded. We didn't know why but the thought of staying there while they are going back here was gloomy and sad. It was painful.

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