Chapter 28

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The awards show ended and like the first week, we once again won an award. I don't know if I could celebrate and be happy. My emotions were mixed up, I didn't know which to feel first.

I was happy and glad that we won once again. But I also was sad and hurt because of what I just saw earlier. I'm now by the stairs, I just want to be alone.

"Should I call him? But what will I tell him though?" I was staring at my phone while holding on the the railing of the stairs. I sighed and looked up letting my arms dangle on my sides.

*Phone Vibrating*

"What the heck?!" I said as I accidentally pressed the call button on Manager's contact. I panicked and was about to end the call when Manager picked it up.

"Hello Umji? Why did you call?" Manager asked. I opened my mouth to answer when I felt someone pushed me. The stairs looked closer as I squealed.

"AAHH!" I could feel the impact and pain of the stairs hitting my body before everything went blank.


"What? It's still not dead?" Yeri yelled over the phone. It was all part of her plan, she would make it seem like Suga still likes her.

"Oppa, I was always curious about something." Yeri asked facing Suga who was sitting beside her. "What is it?" Suga asked and looked at her

"Why did you defend me before?" Yeri asked waiting for his answer. It was part of her plan to ask him that but she was also curious. That's why she picked that question. Suga took a sip from his coffee and looked at her in the eye. "Do you wanna know?" Yeri nodded pouting.

"I still love you." He answered Yeri's ears clapped when she heard this. She didn't expect that he would really say that she still loves him. "But.." He paused making Yeri look at him curiously. "As a sister only. We have been friends for a long year now and I didn't want to throw our memories before under the bus just like that so I figured that maybe we could still be friends." Suga continued. Yeri felt needles stab her heart, he really doesn't see her as a woman anymore instead as a friend.

"Oh okay I understand. Friends?" Yeri nodded faking a smile. Suga nodded smiling back at her and they both hugged each other. Yeri smirked knowing that everything was recorded and she could use this footage.

"Their unborn child is more stubborn that the bitch itself!" She mumbled clenching her fists. She has hired someone to put in a little accident for Umji that could lead to miscarriage but it didn't work. It critical but unfortunately for her, the baby still is alive. But she found information with it. It was twins, Umji still doesn't known since they still don't have time to do an ultrasound. She had succeeded in one thing though. She did have miscarriage but the other still lived.

"Aish! Just tell them that she had miscarriage. I don't care if she becomes depressed! If she does then that's better as she will unknowingly kill her own child!" Yeri gritted her teeth. Her conscience wasn't working and she is regretting nothing. She became too obsessed with Suga that she would mind killing an innocent, unborn child.

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