Chapter 23

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"Umji-ah!" I felt someone shake me gently. I didn't realize that I fell asleep while unpacking my stuff. I rubbed my eyes and sat up, it was RM and he was a holding a tray of food.

"You shouldn't skip a meal. The girls are already eating in the dining room and they didn't want to disturb your sleep because you needed rest but you still need to eat." He explained and I nodded. He placed the tray on my bed and opened the lights.

"How's the little one?" He asked while I was eating. "The doctor said that we're both fine." I answered and continued eating.

"Is it a he or she?" I shrugged. "We still haven't gotten an ultrasound because we were busy." He nodded and didn't ask more questions after that.

"Seems like you all have gotten close to Red Velvet." I started and he scratch the back of his head laughing awkwardly. "It's not that. They were really not that bad except Yeri, I still don't like her. But the other members were not bad." He defended and I just nodded. As if!

I finished eating what he gave and was about to stand up to put it in the kitchen when stopped me. "I'll do it." He said and took the tray from me and went outside the room. I can do that fine though!

Instead of thinking about anything, I went back to sleep. I took one pillow from my head and put it beside me for me to hug while sleeping. I yawned and drifted off to sleep again.

It was the middle of the night and I felt my bed move. Not literally the bed, but the blankets and mattress. I still closed my eyes and pretended to sleep but slowly peaked when I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist touching my stomach. I turn around to find Yoongi oppa who is now beside me.

"Aren't you supposed to be sleeping?" He asked and I just raised a brow. "Shouldn't I be asking you that? And what are you doing in this room?" I asked and he smiled before kissing my forehead.

"Is it bad that I want to sleep beside my wife and our child?" He asked and I just frowned at him. "Why don't you sleep beside Yeri then?" This time he frowned but smirked a second later.

"My babies are jealous, aren't they?" He teased and I just looked away feeling my cheeks heat up. What is he saying? Me? Jealous? No way! Over Yeri too? No, never!

"It's fine if you get jealous. You're my wife but you have nothing to get jealous over." He spoke softly caressing my hair. "You have my heart, my mind and my child already. No need to be worried! Dang this is cheesy! Totally not swag." Yoongi oppa smiled reassuringly. I pouted and snuggled closer to his chest. He chuckled and hugged me gently. I trust you Min Yoongi!

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