Chapter 31

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Matt's POV (same day from last chapter) 

        What was that? I was just watching TV in my room and then.... I felt it. 

That little spark.. tingle.. firework. And I have absolutely no idea where it came from.. 

Maybe i'm just loosing my mind once again.... yeah. 

That's it. 

************A Week and a Half Later************* 

Ally's POV

        It'e been a little over a week and I still haven't been able to get up. I didn't think it would take this long to regain my strength. I mean yeah I was dead but really.. 

Other than that, Matt has been coming in and talking to me every day since.. He just talks about his day and how he misses me and loves me more than anything. I wish I could respond... but I have to be patient. 

Cam and Nash have also come a lot to talk to me. The other boys do come but not as often. I figured out that the room i'm in is a spare bedroom in the basement. Well it was a spare bedroom, now it's technically my tomb you could say? 

I bet your wondering why they wouldn't bury me though. Well the answer to that is simple, when a werewolf dies, their body doesn't age or rot because their supernatural power and essence sill remains in the blood and mind. 

So they can leave me in that room for an eternity and I wouldn't look or smell any different. 

On to another topic.. I still feel it. Ever since I came back I felt it. That little spark.. tingle.. firework, and I know Matt feels it too. So there's only one real explanation. 

The mate bond is returning. We never completed it so it's not as strong but it's definitely there. 

It was about 2pm now.. Matt's usual time. 

Right on que I heard the door knob jiggle and footsteps enter the dark room and walk over to me. The chair next to the bed screeched against the hard wood floor as he sat down. 

And the tingle grew stronger. 

"Hey Al's.... I-I don't know what to do anymore.. I need you." He let out a tiny whimper and I felt warm droplets pelt my cheek. 

"It"s so hard, after everything.. all the things we've been through together." He choked back a sob and rested his head in his hands. 

It kills me to see him like this, he breaks down every day when he comes in here and there's nothing I can do about it. 

"I remember when we used to fall asleep together, I would always lie awake for hours on end, thinking about our future. Our future together.. the future that's never going to happen.." 

Oh but Matthew.. your wrong Hun.

"I barely even got to say goodbye.. I'm so sorry Ally. I didn't protect you well enough.. it's all my fault. It's all my fault.." He cried. 

I need to fix this. I need to wake up.. Now. 

I pushed.. hard. The darkness was strong but not strong enough. (deja vu moment here, remember) Matthews sobs grew louder but that just made me strive harder. I won't let him suffer. 

"I'm sorry Ally.. but I've made my decision.. I wan't to see you. I need to be near you to be happy. I'm coming. I'm coming soon." He whispered. 

Oh No. 

I heard the chair shift again and but this time the footsteps didn't lead to the door.. they lead to what i'm assuming is a bathroom. I could smell the sink water from here. 

"I'm sorry" He whispered one last time before shutting the door. 

I've got to stop him, I know what he's thinking and I will not let it happen. Not when i'm so close!!

Come on Ally, come on you can do this!! 

I started breathing harder and harder as my eyelids grew heavy. Sweat made it's way down my face and my heart was beating faster than light. It's now or never Ally. For Matthew.. try for Matthew. 

My chest suddenly fell and a shaky breath left my mouth, all the energy stored inside of me was released and all feeling came back to my body. I slowly opened one eye at a time, taking in my surroundings once again. 

I sat up, ignoring the terrible aching in my spine, and attempted to stand. My legs almost gave out at first but I held my position. I need to get to Matthew. 

Step by step, I was able to get to the door. And I only tripped twice! I heard quiet sobs coming from inside the bathroom and I used all my strength to hit my hand against the door. It only made a small knock but Matthew must have heard it because the noised suddenly stopped. 

"W-Who's there-e?" He whimpered. I didn't reply, I wanted to but I couldn't find the energy to open my mouth. I knocked again and leaned against the door. 

Please Matthew Please. 

"Please... leave me alone.." He said. I didn't hesitate to knock again. Time after time. Until he opened the door. 

After about five minutes of me struggling to stand while knocking, and Matthew ignoring me, I gave it my all one last time. 

I hit my hand so hard against that wood you'd think it would be broken. The sound of feet shuffling on the cold tiles filled my ears and I slumped over with relief. 

The door knob once again started twisting and nervousness spread throughout my body. Why was I nervous? I should be happy! I mean yeah I'm happy but i'm also scared. This has happened before and it wasn't a very pleasant ride.  

My vision started to cloud right when the door flung open. All energy in my body was gone and I went limb. I felt two arms catch me and hug me so tight I couldn't breath. Soon enough his grip became more gentle and I looked up at a teary-eyed Matthew staring back at me in disbelief. 

"H-How is this possible?" He asked as more tears rolled down his cheeks. "I couldn't leave you again now could I?" I responded with a small smile. Things started to clear up a bit more and I noticed that Matt's hair was scruff-ed and he had gigantic bags under his eyes. 

He just laughed and carried me back to the bed. He gently laid me down and jumped in next to me. I turned my head to face him and a smile spread across my face. 

"I missed you, and I knew I couldn't leave you again, so I tried and pushed and didn't stop until I made it back to you and the other boys. I love you Matt." I said to him. His perfect brown eyes glistened from the small light and he cracked that adorable half smile I always loved. 

"I will never stop loving you Ally." He whispered. And with that, we both fell asleep. 

Even though it was only 3 in the afternoon.  Don't judge me.. 




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