Chapter 18

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Ally's POV

The looks on their faces were priceless. Basically all of them were either giving Matt "mmhmmm" looks or me "MMMHMMM" looks. I was about to laugh, before I saw Nash's face.... well damn. 

He was incredibly red with anger and he looked like he was about to faint. I slowly started moving towards him but he came back to reality and grabbed the door handle, running out, and slamming the door in my face with a gust of wind. 

I turned back to the boys, they could probably tell what I was thinking just by the look in my eyes. Matt was about to speak but I was already down the hall chasing after Nash.. hmm usually its the other way around.... weird. 

I saw him go into his own hotel room so I followed. I burst through the door and saw Nash throwing pillows and such across the room... And then he picked up a vase.. lovely. 

He threw it in my direction and I ducked.. that could have been really bad for me. "NASH STOP!!" I yelled as my eyes flashed. That just made him more angry. But I wasn't scared, he was too smart to physically hurt me. 

"WHY ALLY? Why should I stop? So you can tell me that everything's going to be okay and that I'll move on?! Well it doesn't work that way. UGH I was so stupid!! Stupid to think that I could still get you back, stupid to think that you still loved me when really you were screwing my friend right behind my back!" He was close to tears.. unlike me who was already in tears. 

"Nash I'm sorry! I cant help my feelings!" I screamed at him. We've never really fought fought before. "Bullshit Ally! You know, I don't even know why I apologized for what I did. I mean you were probably drooling over Matt from the first day you two met! You deserved it! I should of never asked you out in the first place, because all you do is hurt people Ally.. you think you have everything figured out.. but you don't, because your useless and weak and definitely a waste of my time.. Mine and everyone's life would be better off if if you never showed up.." He was staring right into my eyes as he said that.. and my heart shattered. 

He looked down at his feet and closed his eyes.. "Better you be dead than in our lives."  he whispered.. but he knew I heard it. And then my entire body shattered. How could he say that?? Was he telling the truth? I just stared at him with watery eyes.. my body went numb and I fell to the ground with my head in my hands. 

Nash didn't even turn my way.. he just walked away and out the door, leaving me there. Only one thing was going through my mind as I went to my room and got a sheet of paper and a pen....

Time to fake my death. 


I haven't spoken to any of the boys since me and Nash's fight.... the second he left I knew he was right. I've only made a mess of their lives. And I need to leave. I don't want to die because i'm finally enjoying my powers. And I want to get away from everything and learn how to live like this with my powers in a better way. 

I know thinking I'm dead will be tough for them.. I think. But this is better for everyone.. I hope.  I was writing separate notes for everyone, then one for all of them together. Basically I said something different in each one. I told them about how i'm sorry but I was doing this for the best.. then I wrote about a few of my favorite memories of our time together. 

Matt's was a bit longer. I thanked all of them but especially Matt because he got me through the most. I told him that I would "watch over him" and I told him not to do anything stupid. And that I loved him with all my heart and he would always be my one and only true mate. 

The note to all the boys was just me saying sorry and that I loved them all and not to miss me because i'm happy now. Even though it physically hurt me to leave. But this was for the best. I also told them that it wasn't any ones fault, that I realized how much I screwed their lives up and that I needed to go.. but I truly loved them. 

Ugh I feel so bad. The last thing I said in all of the notes was not to look for my body because it was deep in the ocean by the time they read the letters and that I'm sorry and I love them one last time. I also made a letter to Ryan.. God I love these people. But i'm doing this for them.. 

I folded all the letters and wrote their names on them.. then I set them down in a pile on the table. I slowly went to the other room and opened the door. The only one in their was Matt. I walked up to him as he stared out the window. He turned when he saw me and was about to speak when I crashed my lips to his. I would absolutely miss this amazing tingly feeling. 

I parted from his soft lips a stared into his gorgeous brown eyes.. "I love you Matt." I whispered before pecking his lips one last time and running out the door. I ran all the way down to the lobby. I left all my things in the room so they would really think I was dead.. I would just have to buy new stuff or something wherever I go. 

I walked out of the hotel with my head held high as I waved over a cab.  

Time to start my new life.... my new life as a teenage alpha. 




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