Chapter 29

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Ally's POV


My eyes shot open and I immediately fell out of bed.... 

Stupid alarm clock.. 

I slowly lifted myself off the floor and trudged to the bathroom. When I looked in the mirror, I saw my eyes shift from purple back to normal then purple and so on... 

Then it hit me.. all of this is real...... the fight is today.. 

I groaned and just went downstairs without doing anything. None of the boys were awake yet becuase it was 7am and they're lazy.. 

I made my way into the kitchen and started making some toast. I wasn't really hungry.. too nervous. Just the thought of someone getting hurt terrifies me. But I need to stay calm.. having two panic attacks in one week won't do me any good. 

I heard a "pop" from the toaster and the smell of burning bread and smoke filled my nose.... maybe I should leave the cooking to Shawn. I got a rag and fanned the smoke away. Lucky for me it was only a little burnt so I can still eat it. 

When I was done my toast I started heading back upstairs. I know that I'll be able to feel it in my gut when the time has come for the fight. And I hope it doesn't come soon. 

I went back into the guest bedroom, well technically it's my room now but I haven't decorated it yet so yeah.. Anyways, this time when I entered the bathroom I actually did stuff that's useful. When I was done washing up and applying little makeup, I walked to my closet and pulled out my outfit for today. 

When I was done, I went to look in the mirror. I was wearing skin tight black leather leggings, a soft black sweater that showed my curves, a black leather jacket, and black combat boots. So yeah I was going bad-ass. 

I also left my hair down in it's natural waves because I don't like putting it back, it looks weird with my face. 

I didn't need any weapons or anything else because we were most likely going to be fighting in wolf form. So I headed back downstairs and turned on the tv. 

About an hour later, I heard many thumps coming from upstairs so I assumed the boys were awake. About another half hour passed before they all came downstairs and quickly ran into the kitchen.. oh boys. 

"Yo Ally you didn't make breakfast?!" I heard Carter shout. "Well I did, but then I ate it..." I replied. He scoffed and started making his own breakfast for once in his life. Hehe. 

"Hey Al- Whoa you look hot!" Matt said as he walked in with a bowl of cereal. I smiled at his remark.. "Thanks... and Matt, where's your spoon?" I asked him. He wasn't carrying one when he walked in. 

"I hate spoons.... they're dangerous." He said and I burst out laughing. "y-your a-a-afraid of sp-spoons??" I practically shouted as I gasped for air because I was laughing so hard. His face turned red and he quietly  sat down while I was dying on the floor. 

After a few minutes, I calmed down and sat back down on the couch next to Matt. "Sorry.." I said, he just smiled and kissed me. "EW Matt you have a milk-mustache and you gave me one too!!" I screamed.

The boys ran in and once they saw me they fell the floor in fits of laughter. I flipped them off and cuddled next to Matt. 

Then the room went serious. 

"Are you guys sure you want to do this today? I mean your risking your life for me...." I said to them. Cam, Matt, the Jacks, and Shawn all nodded they're heads and smiled and Nash, Carter, Taylor, and Aaron just looked down. 

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